Two Steps Forward, Two Steps Back

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Chapter Nine

Two Steps Forward, Two Steps Back


A scarlet glow filled my chest. It was blinding, taking over my senses until there was nothing but red. The color entered my throat, and I choked it down until it reached the depths of my soul. I burned red from the inside out, and it expelled itself from my body in laser rays. It was hot, too hot. I was becoming something like the sun, a ball of hellfire that engulfed me until I was one with it, and I ceased to exist.

"You know the Truth."

The train jolted, and I was shaken awake with the movement. My eyes immediately fell on Edward, who was resting soundly in the seat across from me. His bangs hung lazily over his eyes, brushing lightly against the long lashes that curled up to the sky. I was slightly jealous. Armstrong looked to me in my awakened daze.

"Oh, Miss Marina, you're awake, I see," he stated. I looked around the car and then to the window. The train had stopped.

"Major, are we in Resembool?" I asked.

"No, I believe we're just a few towns away, however..." he trailed off as his eye seemed to catch something outside of the car. "Dr. Marcoh!"

Ed was jolted awake by the Major's sudden outburst. When he calmed down, he explained to us that the man he called had been a vital researcher that deserted the military following the Ishvalen war. Ed's curiosity piqued.

"Let's go, Major, Marina!" and just like that, we were off the train and in pursuit.

We wandered through the quaint town, talking to its inhabitants to try and locate the elusive Dr. Marcoh. They all validated the existence of a Dr. Mauro after showing them an incredibly detailed drawing courtesy of the Major. One woman was kind enough to give us directions to his home. After climbing the staircase of a white stone building supposedly belonging to Marcoh, we arrived at a blue door. Ed knocked but didn't wait as he grabbed the door handle, swinging it open to a gun in his face. I yelped as Ed ducked at the pop of the gun.

"Why do you insist on opening doors you just knocked on? You're so impatient it's astounding," I hissed at the older Elric. "You could have gotten yourself shot!"

Ed's cheeks flushed, no doubt remembering the last time he opened a door unprovoked. I instinctively crossed my arms over my chest, a slight heat rising to my cheeks. Dr. Marcoh and the Major were talking. Well, more like yelling on the doctor's part. In trying to follow their conversation, I finally got to look at him. He was an older man with gradually graying hair, who stood in the doorway trembling— gun still in hand. My head began to pound viciously, and I was so dizzy from the suddenness of the spell, I almost fell back and down the stairs. Ed was quick to notice my misstep, and with his only arm, steadied me on the landing of the stairwell.

"And you're yelling at me to be careful," he scolded. My head pounded harder, and I fell to my knees in pain. "Hey, what's the matter?"

The older men's bickering ceased. I rested my aching head on Ed's shoulder, unable to articulate the pain, hoping it would pass quickly. It became harder and harder to breathe, and Ed's voice swam around my consciousness. I tried to take deep, slow breaths and remain aware as visions of Marcoh's life began to take over my mind's eye.

"Come in quickly. I might be able to help," I barely processed Marcoh's words before I fainted.


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