Chapter 1

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Hiii, ok so I'm really new to wattpad so please tell me if I'm doing something wrong (or if i have to be part of an initiation ritual before starting idk) and write in the comments any suggestion for the story because to be honest i don't know how i'll end it. i will upload it everyday so don't worry, i don't have a life. enjoy!

I WILL BE USING SWEAR WORDS i don't wanna tell you what age you have to be to read this but just wanted to warn everyone


Marinette woke up suddenly and sat upright while beads of sweat rolled off her face. She could hear her heart beat in her ears like a drum. She was not surprised to see Tikki floating next to her, a worried expression on her face. "Him again?" she asked. Marinette nodded trying to calm herself, she looked around as if trying to make sure that she was still in her bedroom. Safe.

This was the fifth time this week and yet she was still as scared as the first. The girl got up from her bed and crawled through her trap door and on to her terrace. The fresh air hit her face in a refreshing manner that she desperately needed. She looked around to observe the beautiful city she (and of course her partner) protected everyday. She took a deep breath of the spring air as Tikki flew next to her.

"I'm so sorry you have to go through this Marinette, I wish i could help". The bluenette gave her Kwami a tired smile and reassured her, "What happened is not your fault Tikki, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me". She took the creature in her cupped hands and brought her to her cheek.

"Besides, it's over now" but she didn't sound convinced.


Alya was worried, very worried. Not only did her best friend look sleep deprived and anxious more than normal, but she lacked any sort of reaction to Adrien, her long time crush, when he smiled at her and waved. Normal Marinette would have melted in a puddle and died happily but this Marinette simply waved back with a weak smile on her face. Could she have lost feelings for the model? Nope, no way, just a week ago she was staring at a new poster of Adrien Agreste while Alya was trying to drag her to school.

She actually noticed that she lacked a reaction to anything, she was just doing stuff in a robotic manner, barely talking.

She looked over at her friend while they walked towards class. "Are you okay girl?" Marinette sighed knowing that she would have to lie to her friend yet again. Alya had noticed her stress immediately and everyday she could tell that her best friend was getting more and more worried about her. Not only could she not tell her the truth because then she would know her secret identity, but also because it was something that Marinette didn't like talking about.

"i'm fine Alya, i'm just not sleeping well lately, that's all". The bluenette knew that her best friend could see right through her crap, but she didn't have much of a choice.

"I'm really worried about her Nino" Alya confessed to her boyfriend during lunch break while Marinette was in the bathroom. "Worried about who?" asked Adrien while dropping his bag on the table and sitting across the couple. "Marinette dude, haven't you noticed? She's been out of it all week", no Adrien of course had not noticed, as much as his grades were one of the highest in the class he was not exactly smart when it came to others feelings. Not that he was inconsiderate, he always tried to help others as much as he could, but because of his sheltered childhood he was as dense as a concrete wall, and he was aware of this.

Alya was about to point out her best friends weird attitude when the girl whom they were talking about plopped herself next to Adrien, put her backpack on the table and rested her head on the wooden surface without even noticing, or for that matter maybe even caring, that she was barely a meter away from her crush. Just before Adrien was about to say something to the girl Chloe strutted her way towards them and snickered seeing Marinette vulnerable.

"Marinette Dupain-Cheng, you do know it's rude to sleep on a table right? Especially with dirty hair like yours, tell me do you even care? And i won't even comment on your outfit because you clearly don't care.". "Go away Chloe" she muttered without even raising her head. Chloe did not like the fact that she hadn't sparked any type of emotion from her victim "Ridiculous you are so rude" with that she knocked down Marinette's backpack, "Oops, i'm so clumsy", winked at Adrien and shay-shayed away.

At this point all three of her friends were worried. Marinette was alway furious at Chloe just by looking at her and now that she had outright bullied her she didn't even react. What was going on ?

As Marinette was walking down the stairs of her school to finally go home she heard a voice calling her. "Hey Mari wait up!" the girl turned around in surprise as her longtime crush walked to her. Even though she was incredibly sleep deprived and stressed she could not stop staring at his beautiful green eyes, his messy blond hair, his perfect skin.- "Mmm Marinette? Did you hear me?" she snapped out of it and quickly responded "I-i mm what? no yes i d-did" and smiled awkwardly. "Okay then what's on your mind lately? You don't look so good". "I-i mm monkey-no wait money d-dream mm yeah" she mentally face palmed herself, what the hell was a monkey money dream. The model looked at her perplexed and was about to question her further just as his limo arrived in front of the school.

He looked back at Marinette and quickly said goodbye. As he walked to the car he started brainstorming a way to help his friend. He had noticed that she was never able to come out with a normal sentence when talking to him, which for the life of him he didn't understand, she was this amazing smart and funny girl around others but when it came to him she was barely able to breathe. Then an idea came to him, if he couldn't talk to her and help her as Adrien, might as well as Chat Noir. After all they had hung out a few times and she seemed less nervous around the hero of Paris, well one of the heroes, than around her own friend and classmate.

He smirked to himself while entering the car, Marinette would have an interesting visit that evening.

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