Chapter 20

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Ok so i think I'm gonna make this chapter fluff/comic relief bc the other chapters were a bit depressing and these mofos deserve some happiness


Marinette did the last thing Chat expected, she laughed. She laughed so hard she fell to the floor, Adrien stared at her awkwardly, was she not happy with who he turned out to be? Did she hate him? He looked over at Plagg who shrugged "I'm gonna go look for Tikki and some cheese, good luck with her kid" he said and flew away towards the direction in which he could feel the magic presence of his other half. He wanted to stay away from all that lovey dovey stuff the two teenagers had been so dramatic about for the past few weeks.

"Ehm Marinette?" Adrien asked as she tried to stifle her laughter but couldn't resist it. "I'm so sorry Adrien" she finally managed to say "I'm just laughing because we are idiots" he was visibly taken aback. "What do you mean idiots?" he asked as she dried her eyes, tears of laughter still poring out "Because it's a fucking love square"

Adrien was confused, which wasn't surprising. Marinette quickly realized and got herself together "Out of all of the people there are in Paris" she explained "I was rejecting you for you". The blond's eyes widened "So the boy you said you were in love with was me?" he asked. "Yes!" she answered as they both slowly started laughing, almost out of hysteria.

As they calmed down in Adrien's mind a few questions arose "I have three questions, if you are willing to answer me" Marinette nodded "why did you fall out of love with Adrien and fall in love with Chat?". Marinette thought it over, it was a good question, she was barely able to answer it herself "Well to be honest I never truly fell out of love with Adrien, but Chat was just so nice and caring that i guess i fell in love with that side of you" she then became red "You're kindness is the reason I fell in love with your civiliam form in the first place". He smiled and blushed as he pulled her closer, plopped himself on the chaise longue and sat her down on his lap.

She blushed furiously, but was much calmer than normal, knowing that he was also Chat. "Next question is, why didn't you ever tell me how you felt?" he asked. Marinette scratched the back of her neck nervously "Well i tried, about 563 times actually, but something always got in the way" Adrien's mouth was wide open, but again, he wasn't surprised, he really was that dense. "I'm so sorry princess i never noticed I-" Marinette shock her head "Don't worry Kitty, most of the times were my fault, I might be brave in battle but not really in love".

Adrien smiled and gazed at her, how had he not noticed it was her all along? She always helped others, often when it was against her interest, she cared and was kind and determined and brave, that was what true heroes were made of. But those bluebell eyes, he thought he could recognize them anywhere. He was so dissapointed in himself, he was so blinded by what he felt for Ladybug he hadn't even noticed her, in some twisted way it was thanks to Chat Blanc that he had finally realized how he felt. "So what's your last question?" asked Marinette as she snapped the boy out of his thoughts. He grinned "Why is there a box in your closet labeled as Adrien?" after her confession he might have a clue on what was in there.

Her face grew as red as blood and she jumped up, for a moment she didn't speak. Before Chat had enetered her room for the first time she had shoved all of Adrien's pictures in a box and had thrown them in the closet, and now they had come back to bite her back in the ass, great. Adrien raised an eyebrow "Cl-closet i-i don't pos- posses a closet for my-my clothing items" she stammared. The boy laughed "Marinette i promise i won't make fun of you" she still looked extremely embarrassed but knew that he wouldn't budge, she sighed, opened the closet and reached for the box. She took a deep breath and dumped all of the box's items on the floor and Adrien almost fell off the chair from laughing.

"I hate you Adrien Agreste" she mumbled trying to hide her own laughter


That night had been one of those moments that Marinette would never forget, they talked for hours as they exchanged stories about their civilian form and superhero form, finally being able to be totally transparent with each other. As the night passed they both realized that the pillars of their new found love was the trust that they had formed in battle, but most importantly, their friendship.

At around four in the morning Adrien forced himself to leave, he had a photo shoot before school and he had to get at least a few hours of rest. He called Plagg back to his side as the little Kwamis bid each other goodbye. "Don't worry Plagg, I think you're gonna see Tikki a lot more from now on" he looked up at Marinette and winked as she rolled her eyes and smiled.

She accompanied him to the balcony after he had transformed and just before he took off she called "Wait Adrien" he turned around, his extended baton in hand. "Does this m-mean you're my..." she had replayed in her head about one hundred ways of asking this question and every time she just couldn't get the words out, but now that she knew he was Chat too, it gave her a sense of calm. Adrien opened his mouth and was about to finish her sentence for her, knowing that it was hard for her but Marinette shook her head "Ok i can do this" she took a deep breath "Adrien Agreste or Chat Noir, i don't know what I should call you, will you be my boyfriend?"

Adrien's heart fluttered and he could feel himself blush "Yes i will Princess or M'lady" he saw her light up "but as a friend" he said, snickering. Marinette for a moment was turned red but then laughed as she hit his arm. When their laughter died down Chat put his arms around her waist and brought her close to him so that their faces were inches apart "See you tomorrow Princess" he whispered and jumped off the building, leaving her wanting more.

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