Chapter 5

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I am so confused bc wattpad is telling me 14 ppl are reading but when i look at my profile it says 21 idk. I hope you guys are enjoying the story and please tell me if i make any grammar mistakes bc that's embarrassing lol. Sorry for making the last chapter so short but i didn't have much to work with.


Marinette was woken up by the screeching of her alarm. Without opening her eyes she tried to look for Chat with her hand but she knew he was gone. He wasn't wrong to leave, he had to go to school too and his Kwami must have needed a lot of whatever he ate to recharge after staying transformed all night. She didn't remember much from the night before, just his arms around her body as she fell back to sleep.

Even though she did remember having her regular nightmare Chat being there calmed her and reminded her that he wasn't evil, not anymore. She rolled out of bed and got ready for school feeling slightly better compared to the last few days.


"Alya!" she ran towards her best friend and hugged her. Soon Nino and Adrien had joined the two girls without Marinette noticing as she talked to her best friend. "Wow Marinette you look so much more mm alive?" Alya said while taking a good look at the girl. "I finally had a goodnight sleep" she answered smiling. Adrien could not resist "What changed?" a light smirk appearing on his face, let's see what Marinette was gonna to make up. "Oh i-i mm good evening A-Adrien I just um drank some camomille tea yeah" her cheeks were already red but at least she made sense, better than a freaking monkey money dream, she still got embarrassed just by thinking about that.

"Didn't you tell me a few days ago that you had already tried that?" questioned Alya. This was exactly why Marinette hadn't asked her for help with this nightmare situation, she was astute. "Well yeah but i um my m-mom got me a special um Chinese tea that i-is really strong". "Well you must let us try it if it is so miraculous" (pun very much intended) said Adrien, his inner Chat Noir showing. Alya and Nino agreed but Marinette was saved by the bell before giving them any other fake detail.

Well at least he knew he could trust Mari, most people would have probably boosted about sleeping in the same bed as Chat Noir, and even though her excuses weren't the best, she kept the secret.

Adrien couldn't concentrate on Miss Bustier's lesson, he was thinking about the night before, how he held her, how she was comforted by his mere presence, how pretty she looked when she slept- why was he thinking like that? It was a weird way to think about a friend. He got that thought out of his mind because the biggest question, and most important, was who was Chat Blanc, and especially, why did Marinette have nightmares about him.

He turned around to look at the girl, she was just taking notes, like any normal day. When she noticed him looking at her she became a dark red and hid her face behind her notebook. Adrien chuckled as he saw her bluebell eyes appear on top of her book to check if he was still looking at her.

"Adrien" the boy immediately turned around as Miss Bustier called his attention back to the lesson. "Please pay attention to the board and not, well, Marinette". Adrien's face grew red, but not as red as Marinette, she looked like she was about to explode. Alya gently elbowed her friend "Wow he was staring at you wasn't he?" she whispered. "NO No he wasn't" Marinette answered, maybe a little louder than ideal.


After the lesson was over Adrien waited for Marinette outside the classroom as everyone went to lunch. The girl picked up her purse and headed outside of the classroom but before she could catch up with Alya she heard a voice that made her jump, and scream, literally. "Hey Marinette" he waved at her and smiled. "AAH" she yelled as she jumped in the air making her backpack fall to the floor along with her purse. "I'm sorry, i didn't mean to scare you" the boy said as he picked up his friend's backpack and gave it to her as she got her purse. "N-no you didn't I-i just wasn't mm expecting you here" Adrien looked at her with a quizzical expression "You mean outside of the classroom we both attend?". If she could have disintegrated in that instant she would gladly accept.

"Anyway I wanted to say that i'm happy you are feeling better, i was really worried" he said softly. Marinette was totally shocked "I-mm yes you thanks bye now" she said and ran in the other direction. Adrien smirked, she was probably so nervous, Chat was a big secret and the fact that he knew could make things very fun for him

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