Chapter 13

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wooo chapter 13 the number for bad luck, might make this chapter dramatic only because of that


"Good morning Alya" mumbled Marinette as she rubbed her eyes for the one hundredth time that morning as she entered the classroom. "Hey girl- why do you look so tired?" she then grinned "Is it because of Chat?". Marinette shot her a look that made Alya laugh, "Relax Marinette, i know you, plus we haven't had the talk. Do you think we could have a meeting with Chat Noir to talk about that?".

Marinette didn't even bother shutting up her best friend as she sat down next to her and slammed her head on her desk. Alya shrugged and got up to embrace her boyfriend who had just arrived, Adrien following behind.

As Alya gave Nino a special good morning Adrien looked over to Marinette and was surprised to see her as tired as she had been the first time he had decided to visit her as Chat Noir. He approached her without realizing that he was currently Adrien.

"Hey Pr-Mari, is everything okay?" the girl lifted her head from the desk "Yeah Adrien, don't worry". But the boy was already very worried "Something happened with Chat?" Marinette chuckled in a bitter manner "Actually everything is amazing with Chat, i've never been happier, i just... didn't sleep well". He didn't remember her having a nightmare the night before, but of course he couldn't tell her that.

He had no time to think about what to tell her next anyway as the teacher entered the class and the lesson started as everyone headed to their seats.


As the class was about to head to lunch, the ground shook under their feet. Both Adrien and Marinette whispered to them selves "Akuma". Nino looked a Adrien, haven gotten to a similar conclusion "Need me to cover?" the blond smiled "Yeah thanks dude, get everyone in a safe area and... stay close to Marinette for me ok? i'm worried ".

Nino nodded and as Adrien ran to the bathroom to transform he caught Marinette by the arm as she was running out of the classroom. "Come on dudette we have to go to the safe space".

"No Nino you don't understand-" Nino tugged on her as there was another shake, now small pieces of debris were falling around the class as Marinette was standing in the hallway and Nino as still in the classroom, his hand firm around her wrist. "I know you're worried about your boyfriend, but he can handle himself" Marinette rolled her eyes if only he knew. "Nino i seriously need to go" the boy shook his head again. "No Marinette i promised him-" he interrupted himself before he could finish. "You what!?" had Chat just randomly stopped Nino to tell him to keep her safe? "W-well it's n-not as bad as you think he..he just thought you needed protection today".

Marinette was furious, but not with Nino nor Chat. She was furious because he had noticed she wasn't doing so well that day and had asked a boy she knew was in her class (she had mentioned him a few times) to keep her out of trouble. And she had never done anything for him, just cause him worry and soon heartache.

"I don't need your protection Nino" she said calmly. "I-i know Marinette i just wanted to" in that moment Ladybug's instincts kicked in as she saw a big piece of debris of the doorway dividing her and Nino that was about to fall on their head. This would be a perfect opportunity, even if it was a shitty thing to do, but she didn't have time for that.

"Sorry Nino" she whispered and as the piece of debris fell she shoved him in the classroom, blocking his way out, but making sure that he wouldn't remain crushed. She heard him call after her as she ran to the bathroom.

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