Chapter 17

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ALMOST 400 READERS JNIVUVGUHIUHIOJIO. Ok back to normal, anyway i made the last chapter a little shorter to keep the cliffhanger in the end, for extra spice ofc. It's finally the weekend so i will write much more, thank you all for commenting and voting!

I also took like three shots of coffee to write tonight so enjoy


No, how could it be her? Chat was so socked that he hadn't even moved as she came closer to him "Didn't expect me of all people didn't you Chat?" she smiled and pulled him closer by his bell, their faces now inches away "But we both know that the fact that i won't ever love you back is the scariest thing that could happen to you, pathetic"

"No it can't, I-I love you how could you ever be my worst nightmare?"Marinette laughed. The girl let go of him "Because i am the representation of all of those who don't love you Kitty. First it was dear old Dad, then it was the amazing Ladybug and now me".

"N-no get out of my head, you're-you're not even real" stuttered Chat. The bluenette smirked "Oh but i am real, because you know I'm right".


"I can't do this Tikki, I'm not strong enough" Marinette had de transformed, she needed to talk to someone and she wanted her Kwami to maintain as much energy as she could. She knew that she would have to see him again soon. "Marinette you are one of the strongest, both emotionally and physically, Ladybugs I have ever served, I know you can do this. Plus this won't be the real Chat Blanc, only what your mind made him up to be" Tikki really was trying to help but she didn't realize that over the past few weeks the girl had used Chat Blanc to represent all her fears, insecurities and the crippling weight of her responsibilities, she didn't know what powers that might give him but she knew it wasn't good.

She was crouched in the middle of the field, her head in her arms, she had transformed back into Ladybug, she knew he would soon arrive.

"Hello Marinette"


Chat slowly backed away and as soon as he reached the edge of the rooftop he continued running in the direction of his partner. Sandboy was long gone. As he was running he heard her yell "You can run Kitty, but you can't hide from the truth" he quickly turned around as he saw Marinette running after him, it looked like she had superpowers herself. Great, just great.

He checked his baton again, Ladybug had stopped at the stadium, it wasn't too far, he might be able to get to her before Sandboy, but as soon as he put his cat-phone away Marinette jumped in front of him, how could she be stronger than him, she wasn't supposed to have powers damn it.

"Oh you want to go to your Lady don't you? I can't let you do that, i want to have my fun Kitty!" with that she grinned and tackled the hero to the ground, she was incredibly strong. "Get off Marinette! I don't want to hurt you" he said as he pushed her off and quickly got up. "But I do" she hissed and punched the boy in the stomach "You know you deserve this".

He tumbled to the ground "Please stop" he whispered as he clenched his stomach, he was supposed to be nearly indestructible in his suit, but he felt the pain of the blow. "You can't defeat me Kitty, my powers are inside your head". He scrambled to his feet, inside my head? He took a deep breath "Marinette I understand that you don't love me-" she charged towards him "No you don't it kills you inside you can't-" he didn't even try to defend himself. It's all in my head "You will always be in my heart, just like Ladybug, but i understand and i accept it". She raised her right fist "NO NO SHUT UP" and landed it on his cheek, but Adrien noticed that it was a considerably weaker blow than before, even if he could feel his jaw throbbing.

"And, Father, I still don't understand why you don't love me, but i know i deserve love, so i don't care anymore" he whispered as he glanced towards the Agreste manor. Marinette tumbled to the floor "NO STOP" she couldn't even get up, her legs were shaking. He picked her up, his expression serene "I'm sorry Marinette, but i know it's not really you" he then jumped into an alley way, opened a dumpster and dropped the girl in. He could hear her shrieking as he placed some boxes on the top to make sure that she wouldn't get out.

Now he had to find Ladybug, by what she had said it looked like her nightmare was way worse. But when he started off again in the direction of the stadium he saw a bright blue light grow from it.


Marinette quickly got up and, while her legs were shaking, she backed away. "Oh Puurncess I'm paw-sitive you missed me, now don't back away, you are hurting my felines" she didn't know what to say, it had been so long since she actually saw him, not that long actually, but long enough to forget how frightening he was in person compared to her dreams. "What's wrong, cat's got your tongue?" he grinned and got closer, close enough that now they were face to face. "So what's the plan M'Lady?" he asked as he twisted a lock of hair that had escaped her pigtails "Are you gonna call your little friend and hope you can defeat me?". "Y-you're n-not re-real" she stuttered as he snickered "I am real enough to destroy all of Paris Marinette, is that real enough for you Puurncess?Or am I never enough for you?" anger appeared in his features. He pushed Marinette away, she stumbled back but managed not to fall.

"Anything you do, anything you touch and anyone you get close to is ruined, it's your fault I became Chat Blanc Marinette" he said as he raised his right arm to the sky "and you are weak, insecure, and certainly not enough to be Ladybug" he grinned an evil grin. "You're so weak you can't even defeat a dream" he whispered. "Mega cataclysm" he summoned. The blue light quickly grew "Please don't do this Chat" she murmured, but he was right, she wasn't strong enough "Goodbye Marinette, meeting you was the worst thing that could have ever happened to me". She couldn't do this, she closed her eyes and waited for the end, what a coward I am. But before she could feel the blow of Chat Blanc's cataclysm she heard a thud, like something very heavy hitting the ground.

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