Chapter 3

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I might have come up with an ending but i'll see how it goes. I'm so exited i've written already three chapters today and seen as it's Friday i'm probably gonna write another one, as i said before i have no life. i write around 1000 word per chapter is that a good amount? Also i'm a little lazy with fight scenes and i know a lot of people don't like reading them so unless it's important to the story i will not write much about them.


Marinette woke up screaming and panting, her fists shaking, Tikki was next to her, worried as always. She heard a knock on her trap door from downstairs as her Kwami hid in the pillow case and saw Sabine come in wearing her night gown. "Marinette, are you okay? Was it another nightmare?" her parents had noticed her yells and the bags under her eyes, but this seemed even worse than the previous nightmares. "Yeah Mom, sorry" she answered and smiled. Her mother, still worried, climbed up to her bed and gave her a kiss on the forehead. "You can talk to me if you need anything" she looked at her daughter with that expression of worry and motherly love as she climbed back down and closed her daughters door.

Marinette was still shaking, she couldn't go on like this, this one had been the worst one so far. "You should probably take up on Chat's offer, he was so nice and understanding yesterday and you know you can trust him" Tikki told her owner, it pained her to see her best friend so miserable." I hate to admit it but you're right Tikki".


The Akuma kept busy Ladybug and Chat Noir for a good half hour but thankfully, as always, their teamwork managed to free the akumatized victim so that the heroes could go back to class. "Not bad Bugaboo" said Chat as he landed next to her, looking at the purified butterfly. She smiled at him and he noticed that something seemed odd, she didn't roll her eyes at his puns during the battle nor did she get annoyed when he called her by her pet names. As soon as the heroes helped up the victim the ladybug themed hero's earrings bleeped. "See you soon Chaton" she said and flung herself above a building with her Yo-Yo and disappeared from the Cat's sight.

After having de-transformed the two teens entered their class, their absence not noticed by their classmates or each other. Both were busy thinking about their appointment later that evening.


"Your knight has arrived purrncess" Marinette jumped, she had expected him to come but she hadn't seen him. "Chat you scared me" he grinned and jumped down on the balcony from the roof. "Beautiful night isn't it princess?" she rolled her eyes but smiled. He looked in awe at the girl before him, he had never noticed how pretty she was, especially in the moonlight. Her hair shimmered in the light and her bluebell eyes were so expressive, her cheeks were a soft pink, generally when he was Adrien they were crimson red.

"Chat.." her voice knocked him out of his thoughts. "Yes princess?", she took a deep breath and blurted out a plea "You're right i need help, i'm so scared of that stupid nightmare and it's not like it's something i can face in real life and get over it so i don't know what to do any more Chat, i haven't slept in days". He looked at her in pure surprise, yesterday she had seemed so against him helping her but now she was begging for help, he could tell she didn't like doing it so he decided to be as serious as he could be, this girl needed his help.

"When i was little and i had nightmares my Mother would give me cookies and warm milk and then sleep with me until the nightmare stopped." Marinette saw a glint of sadness in his eyes but it quickly vanished. She thought over what the hero had told her, she had already tried warm milk but it hadn't worked. She had tried everything, camomile, calming sounds, talking to Tikki. She really wanted Alyas' help but it was too risky, her best friend was smart and would probably wanna know the details of her dream, not that she was rude or intrusive, she knew that for Alya to help her she had to know everything, rightfully so. She could ask her mom to sleep next to her, but she was too old for that and she might risk worrying her if she yelled a superhero's name in her sleep.

Chat on the other hand seemed like a good option, she could tell that he knew it was a serious matter for her and when there was the need to be serious and helpful, he was the right person. In the end there was a reason Master Fu had given him the Miraculous.

God, was she really about to ask Chat for this? it was so embarrassing, then again she desperately needed someones help and she trusted him with her life, daily. "Chat will you spend the night with me?" suddenly Chat Noir became Tomato Kid's twin.

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