Chapter 18

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was the last chapter okay or a little rushed? if you have any suggestions feel free to write them in the comments


Chat had gotten to the brim of the stadium and looked inside, he could see Ladybug flinching and a big ball of light coming from a dark figure in the middle of it.

He didn't even have time to think as he flung himself onto the figure and tackled them to the ground.

"Chat Noir?" the girl asked in shock, when she had heard the thud she had opened one eyes, scared to see what had happened. Wait why was Chat Noir here? No he couldn't be, she had told him to take care of Sandboy.

Chat Noir looked around shaking his head, his eyes adjusted to the sudden change of light, as the cataclysm had disappeared. He took a good look at the figure that he had tackled.

"Is... is that me?" he whispered to no one in particular

"Chat Noir, how nice of you to join" the villain was pleasantly surprised to see the cat hero, this might have been much more damaging than any cataclysm.

Chat Noir looked over confused at his partner, he noticed she had tears in her eyes and was shaking her head in panic, as if trying to wake up from a nightmare "I'm so sorry Chat" she whispered.

The white villan looked at Ladybug and laughed, he then held out a hand towards the other boy "Hey I haven't even introduced myself, I'm Chat Blanc"


The world froze for Chat Noir, he could only hear his heart beat in his chest as the gears in his head started going. In front of him was a boy that looked exactly like him, a part from his white hair, suit and his icy blue eyes. He was smirking when he pronounced the next words that hit hit like a train.

Chat Blanc.

It was an all too familiar name.

"Chat...Chat...CHAT BLANC" she was sweating and shaking "It's okay princess" he had whispered in her ear as he took her in his arms and hugged her "You're safe, there is no Chat.. Blanc, only Chat Noir.

He stared at his partner, his princess, his lady. Tears were streaming down her face, her body was shaking uncontrollably "I'm so so sorry Chat" she repeated. As much as he would have liked to get so many answers from her and ask even more questions he knew that it wasn't the time to dwell on her identity . He got up and faced the nightmare that had tormented his princess for so long.

After all he had to do this for her.

"What are you?" he asked clenching his fists. Chat Blanc laughed "Well i can tell that you didn't take that revelation to well, trust me, neither did i, huh Marinette?" as he said her name it felt as if a knife had stabbed his heart. So it really was her, he had just confirmed it, the shy and kind clumsy girl that sat behind him in class, the one he had comforted for the past few months, the one that he had eventually fallen for. How dare he say her name with so much hate?

"Why do you know who she is?" asked Chat. "Well because dear Mari here has a lot to explain". Guilt was painted all over her face, how could she had done this to Chat? She was a terrible partner, she didn't deserve him, and now he knew that she had broken his heart twice. "You see, well, me, something happened in an alternate reality in which our love, because of Marinette's idiotic mistake, might have created the end of the world. Quite literally if you were curious".

"And I'm not even gonna lie i don't know what happened, I'm in Marinette's head and she doesn't know the full story. It's quite funny really, so clueless and so dumb" he laughed, this was gonna be too easy, they were both so weak.

In Marinette's head. That meant that all the insults that Chat Blanc was throwing at her were actually her doing.

Ladybug was now silently sobbing, she couldn't do this, she had always thought she was strong enough but now she was going to lead her partner to his doom because of her. Chat had never seen her as destroyed as she was now, not even when she would wake up from her nightmares. She kept whispering insults to herself, apologizing to Chat for being the worst partner he could have recived.

Chat Blanc had been enjoying the scene, but he quickly got bored "So, Chat Noir, do you wanna see what a real Cataclysm looks like?" he asked smirking.

If it's all in her head...

He brushed past the villain, who was purely shocked by how he was being ignored when he had the power to literally destroy the world. Ladybug stared at her partner as he got closer and took her hands in his.

"You are the strongest, bravest and most selfless partner i could have ever wished for. You're not perfect, it's true, but that's just because no one is. When you're Ladybug or when your Marinette you are a hero, I've seen it with my own eyes, and you know I would never lie to you. And lastly you could never hurt me, because i love you"

Silence had never been this loud, the only thing Marinette could hear was her heart pumping blood in her veins. He had really just said all those wonderful things to her, and they were all realistic, it always scared her when Chat called her perfect as Ladybug because she felt as if behind the mask she was full of flaws. But Chat had fallen in love with her flaws too. Chat loved her, all of her. Tears silently rolled from her cheeks as she held his hands tighter and looked deep in his familiar eyes, she trusted this boy with all herself, she couldn't live without him, she loved him.

Chat Blanc shrieked and fell to the ground "STOP IT NO" he yelled clenching his fist to his chest. As the fear in the super heroine diminished the nightmare itself had gotten weaker to the point of not being able to stand. Chat Noir let go of his partner and slowly walked up to the villain. "You have caused already so much pain to her, us, we're gonna make sure that you never come back again" Chat Noir turned around and held his hand out to Ladybug "Shall we go take care of this akumatization M'lady?" she smiled and took his hand.

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