Chapter 9

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Hii it is literally 3 am help. i just had a random need to write, don't worry i'll re read it in the morning to make sure it makes sense. and THANK YOU SO MUCH TO THE 100 READERS ilysm

"Okay so, let me get this straight, you have been Chat Noir since the first day we met" said Nino. They were at the park across the street from the Dupain-Cheng bakery, Adrien was able the meet up with his friend thanks to fencing practice being canceled at the last minute. The model knew that he couldn't explain all of this to Nino in between classes at school, so he had called him and told him to meet him there.

Nino was still quite shocked and Adrien couldn't blame him "Yes Nino, you already asked me that" the blond sighed. If his best friend was ever to find out his secret identity he didn't want it to go like this, but on the bright side he had someone to talk to.

"So basically you have this ring that gives you powers, which is what Hawkmoth is after, along with your Kwami " asked Nino even though everyone in Paris knew about the ring, even the toddlers (seen as some had been literally akumatized by Hawkmoth himself, seriously who tf would akumatize a baby).

"Yes that's how it works- wait" Adrien looked at his best friend "How do you know what a Kwami is?". The only people that knew that Nino was also Carapace was Ladybug and, by accident, Alya. Chat Noir wasn't supposed to know about this, then again Nino wasn't supposed to know that Adrien was Chat Noir. He decided to brush it off for the moment, now was not the time.

"Oh just the um Ladyblog". Adrien raised an eyebrow "I've been on the Ladyblog countless times but i've never-" he stopped himself, his face turning red. Nino immediately picked up on what was going on "Oh my god i forgot, Chat Noir has a big fat crush on Ladybug. How is that going buddy?" Adrien corrected his friend "HAD a big crush on Ladybug, not that i don't still have feelings for her, but i might as well tell you" the blond took a deep breath, this would be the first person he talked to about this.

"I have a crush on Marinette" Nino's jaw dropped. "SO ALYA WAS RIGHT, YOU TWO ARE DATING!" Adrien shook his head, if only it were that simple. "Well actually i've been visiting her as Chat Noir so if anyone were to have feelings for her it would be Chat, not me". Nino stared at him "Are you freaking kidding me?"

The rest of the afternoon went by quickly as the two best friends talked about his double life and the situation with Marinette, Adrien making sure not to tell Nino about the reason Chat slept there every night. When Nino had found out that the blond had been SLEEPING IN THE SAME BED AS MARINETTE for the last month every night he basically lost it.

After a while Adrien was forced to rush to school before the car would arrive to pick him up from his supposed fencing class. As he bid goodbye he saw a glint of something in his best friend's eyes, almost like pride? As Adrien walked away Nino clasped his hands and whispered to himself "My baby chick is finally coming out of his shell"


It was morning but Marinette, as always, was still asleep. Chat lightly caressed her cheek and made his way out of the bedroom, careful not to wake the girl.

The cat superhero flung himself in his room and de-transformed just in time to hear a knock at the door. "Come in", Nathalie then entered the room, looking down at her clipboard. "Good morning Adrien, today you will be attending your Chinese class at 6 pm instead of 3, your father has decided to let you go to your friends um concert as long as you are back by 5 pm and practice your piano as soon as you get home". Adrien was overjoyed, he had asked his father permission to attend a small concert that Marinette's band, well actually Luka's band but Adrien didn't like to think of it as such, was throwing on Juleka's houseboat.

He was surprised to be allowed to go at all so he excepted any conditions. Nathalie walked out of the room, not awaiting an answer from the boy. As soon as the assistant had closed the door behind him Plagg zoomed out of his shirt "Kid these transformations are really wearing me out, couldn't you just come clean with the girl?" Adrien shook his head "Not yet Plagg, I still haven't told her how i feel, but i'm sure sooner or later, if everything goes well, i will". Plagg grunted "Fine but until then i expect a double ration of Camembert"
"Fair enough" said the model laughing


Marinette was already on the houseboat when Nino and Adrien arrived. She was busy sketching something, lost in her world. Adrien looked at her in awe, her dark blue hair almost covered her eyes, it was tied in the usual pigtails and she was bent over her notebook, occasionally looking around aimlessly and proceeding to continue drawing.

Nino elbowed his friend in the ribs "I see you looking at her dude". Adrien blushed "Well mm she looks very pretty" Nino just laughed and turned around to greet Alya with a soft kiss on her cheek.

As most of their classmates arrived the band got ready on stage. Marinette had waved at her friends but wasn't able to come over to them because she was busy helping Luka and giggling. God Luka, why did he need her help? she didn't even play an instrument, couldn't he have asked one of his band members?

Nino felt his friend tense up next to him and followed the direction of his gaze. "Well you can't really blame her" said Nino "She doesn't know you have feelings for her" Adrien knew he was right but it bothered him. Where was Luka when Marinette was screaming because of her nightmares? had Luka put his arms around her and calmed her down so that she could go back to sleep? No. But technically neither had Adrien. "I'm gonna tell her how i feel tonight."

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