Chapter 11

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I decided to add a little bit of fluff in the last chapter to keep the Marichat shippers happy before i make Marinette die- oop was not supposed to say that, oh well.


Marinette had barely even sat down in her seat when Alya flung herself in her face, clearly curious on what was going on with her best friend.

"Girl are you okay? You seem a little too happy considering it's first period" Marinette giggled. "I've actually got some news Alya". The bluenette couldn't resist not telling her, even if she kept bigger secrets from her. "But you have to swear not to tell anyone, not a single soul" Alya looked at her friend, visibly curious "Do go on". "Well remember awhile ago when i was super tired and stuff? Well..." Marinette explained the whole story while her best friend quietly listened, her mouth wide open the whole time "...and now we are kinda dating" the bluenette paused "at least i think we are" . Marinette looked at her friend, expecting a surprised reaction, but Alya just gaped at her.

"Mm Alya are you okay?" no answer. Her mouth was still wide open, Marinette tried to close it for her before a bug (idek if this is a pun but if it counts as one it's intended) would fly into her mouth but as she lifted her chin and let go it fell back down.

Marinette patiently waited for her friend to respond to the news, if she was at loss of words for this, her head would explode if she found out she was Ladybug. As the bluenette took out her books, getting ready before the teacher arrived, Alya entered back reality.

"So... you and Chat Noir. Did you kiss?" Marinette turned to face her and became instantly red. "Well yeah, last night". Alya turned around to face the blackboard "My best friend and Chat Noir" she whispered to no one in particular. "Remember Alya you can't tell anyone, especially the Ladyblog" warned Marinette. "No no i would never, this isn't just some superhero stuff, you are part of this now, i would never say a word that might put you in danger". This warmed the girl's heart, if she eventually decided to tell Alya about her double life, in the far future probably, she knew she could trust her. "Wait does this mean you know who he is?" Marinette shook her head. "No and i don't intend to pushing him into telling me" Alya nodded, agreeing with her best friend.

"Who else are you planning to tell?" Marinette thought about that, and she arrived to a conclusion in that moment, just as the two boys walked in. "Well Chat seemed very eager for me to tell my closest friends, as long as they kept it a secret, so i think i'll tell Nino because i know i can trust him and you would probably tell him anyway" at this Alya became red. "Hey if i told you i wouldn't tell anyone then i wouldn't even tell Nino!" Marinette giggled " I know you wouldn't, but i don't want you two to keep secrets from each other, plus, as i said, i trust him" and she had proof of the boy's trustworthiness, after all she herself had entrusted him with a Miraculous. Alya smiled at her best friend, she knew her so well, and viceversa.

"And who else?" Marinette sighed "and Adrien" Alya raised an eyebrow "Why Adrien, i mean he is one of your best friends and he's trustworthy and all but given what you felt for him...". Marinette just couldn't explain it, something told her that letting him know would be good for both parties. "Just a gut feeling" she answered as she looked over at the boys while they sat down in front of them, Adrien turning around and glancing quickly at Marinette, smiling.


Nino had waited outside the school doors for Adrien, convincing the two girls to go to class without him and Adrien. He had to talk to him and Alya and, especially Marinette couldn't be there. Pretty soon he saw the car park in front of the school as the model jumped out and waved at the driver.

As Adrien hopped the steps he smiled at Nino. "So? What happened? Did you tell her how you feel?" Adrien had a lovesick smile plastered on his face, and his movements were energetic and happy, Nino knew that the outcome of the other night was good but he wanted to know the details.

"I'm sure she'll tell you, hopefully she'll tell me too" Nino looked confused so Adrien explained. "Chat gave her permission to tell her closest friends" Nino still looked confused, especially because of the fact that his friend was referring to himself in the third person. " I did it to see if she would tell Adrien, to see if i am as important to her as is Chat when i'm Adrien". Nino still didn't follow but nodded as they headed to class.

When they entered Adrien looked at Marinette and Alya, the latter was gaping at his girlfriend while she giggled. She must have just told her.


Marinette was nervous, she was bouncing her leg up and down as she waited for the two boys to arrive. Alya looked like she had just smoked crack as she was jumping around the lunch table. "Oh my god Nino is gonna lose it! And Adrien! Will he be jealous?? Wow Adrien jealous of Chat Noir that sounds...weird?" Marinette rolled her eyes "What the hell are you talking about Alya, sit down and relax"

Her best friend looked at her worried and slightly hurt. "I'm sorry Alya i didn't mean to snap, i'm just very nervous" the brunette smiled, "It's okay girl, i would be too" she turned around and saw them approach. "It's time" she whispered

Adrien kept spinning his ring on his finger as a nervous reflex "What if she doesn't tell me because she doesn't like Adrien and one day i tell her who i am and she hates me and will never what to talk to me again?" Nino put a hand on his shoulder "Trust me dude, she could never hate you".

They sat down as Alya calmed herself. "Okay so what's the news Mari?" asked Adrien. Marinette took a deep breath and said "You can never tell anyone outside the four of us and i'm telling you guys cause you're my closet friends and i trust you" she took a deep breath "I'm dating Chat Noir" Nino smiled, Adrien couldn't hide his Chat like grin and Alya waited for their reactions. After a while she asked "Why aren't you two shocked?" the boys looked at each other and reminded themselves of the fact that technically they weren't supposed to know. "O-oh my god how what and where?" exclaimed Adrien, being over dramatic.

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