How You Meet (Pearl Jam)

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This is only for the four constant members.

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Disclaimer: Obviously I do not own Pearl Jam, this is fictional, etc. 

Mike: You meet at a concert you're both attending. On your way to the bathroom, you bump into him and apologize awkwardly. He smiles, putting you at ease. You guys start talking. He offers to buy you a drink and the two of you geek out over music, eventually going back to his place to hang out.

Jeff: He comes home to Montana for Christmas and stops by the town convenience store where you work. You both make casual conversation and there's a mutual fondness, but he leaves before you get to talk again. Your relationship grows slowly over the years as he only comes home occasionally, but once you do get together, it's perfect.

Stone: At first he comes off as a prick. You meet at a party where both of you reluctantly get roped into a group conversation. As it evolves, it's you against him. His sarcastic and bored demeanor annoys you and you start to get riled up. The situation gets more and more uncomfortable. Eventually, you get fed up and leave. A month later you meet again at a coffee shop. While it is initially awkward, he makes a joke about the fight and you end up laughing and joining him at his table.

Eddie: You at a park in Seattle. You aren't in the music scene and have no idea who he is, which he secretly likes. Both of you are kind of shy at first and build a tentative friendship. Neither of you admit your feelings for a while. The relationship is private and emotionally intense.

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