Favorite Thing About Your Body (Guns N' Roses)

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Axl: Your body modifications. He thinks your piercings and tattoos are fucking badass and hot as hell. As a slight masochist himself, he appreciates your dedication to art and (temporary) pain. Your neck tattoos are his favorite.

Izzy: He spends the most time looking into your eyes. They're beautiful and expressive and can display a hundred thoughts and feelings at once. He likes that he can read them better than anyone else.

Steven: Your hair. You wear it in so many different ways and he loves them all. He likes it down, braided, pulled back, headband, whatever. He sees your hair as an extension of your mood and personality.

Slash: He holds your legs in high esteem. They're long and strong and could crush someone's skull, which he would volunteer for in a heartbeat. He's obsessed with gripping, clinging to, and kissing them. 

Duff: He likes the difference between your bodies. He loves that you're short and thick and fit perfectly in his arms. Whenever you stand on a chair or couch to kiss him or let him pick you up, his heart melts. But just because he loves your smallness doesn't mean he thinks little of you. 

sorry for the cringe lol

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