SFW Alphabet (Izzy Stradlin)

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Hey, y'all! I got this template from the-coldest-goodbye on Tumblr. Remember, these are just head canons of someone I like, not to be taken too seriously.

A = Affection

Izzy is affectionate, but not super into PDA. He is more likely to show subtler signs of affection.

B = Best friend

Izzy would probably be a bit evasive as a friend, but reliable when you needed him to be. It's likely your friendship started randomly, outside of the music and drug scenes.

C = Cuddles

He isn't much of a cuddler, but sometimes likes to hold you while the two of you are sleeping, or will rest his head on your lap when he's had a particularly bad day.

D = Domestic 

Izzy would consider settling down sometime in his thirties after years of traveling and living the rock lifestyle. During that period, he wouldn't bother a whole lot with cleaning and cooking, but when he does decide to settle down with someone, he would do definitely do his part to keep the household tidy.

E = Ending

Honestly, breakups with Izzy would go one of two ways. He'd either be a jerk and blow you off, or be straightforward and honest about his feelings and/or life situation.

F = Fiancee

He doesn't like changing his way or flow of life and so is wary of commitment. However, if he met the right woman and was in a relationship for several years, he would consider marriage.

G = Gentle

Izzy is somewhere in the middle of gentle and rough, both physically and emotionally. It varies. He can be possessive and harsh, but also soft and tender-hearted.

H = Hugs

He doesn't hug very frequently, but he isn't necessarily averse to them. He's much more likely to hug someone who he is very close to (like you) than just a casual friend.

I = I love you

Izzy is not quick to say the L-word. Sorry :(

J = Jealousy

He for sure gets jealous, mainly when your relationship isn't fully solidified. When he does get jealous, he tends to be cold and avoidant.

K = Kisses

Izzy's kisses are slower and not too rough, but they are intense. He doesn't half-ass his kisses. He likes kissing your mouth the best, but secretly enjoys when you kiss his neck. 

L = Little ones

He doesn't spend much time around kids. If you ever had children, he'd be very protective and soft with them, but wouldn't interact with other families/parents that often. 

M = Morning

Mornings with Izzy are lazy and quiet. He sleeps really late when he's younger, and then the total opposite as he gets older. You like to drink coffee/tea together.

N = Night

He likes night, and is more active then. Eating, music, socializing, sex, all of it tends to happen in the late evening and well into the night.

O = Open

Izzy is a private person and will reveal things about himself slowly if he is with someone he trusts.

P = Patience

People who meet him assume he's chill, but he actually angers pretty quickly. 

Q = Quizzes

If you two had a relationship in the past, he might forget some of the bigger things, but would remember tiny, seemingly unimportant details about you. 

R = Remember

His favorite moment in your relationship is when he stopped by your house/apartment after a bad fight with the band and you comforted him. After he had calmed down, you gave him some sage advice, which pissed him off and made him leave. Later, he realized how right you had been. He never forgot your help.

S = Security

Definitely protective on main, but possessive on occasion. He would shut up anyone who badmouthed you and stand up for you when you wouldn't yourself. In return, you were hypersensitive to his physical and mental health. You were always checking in with him and making sure he was okay.

T = Try

Izzy dislikes holidays and anniversaries in general, so grand gestures of any kind are a big no-no.  Instead, he would try to focus his effort on smaller gestures and everyday tasks, like bringing you sweets from your favorite bakery or massaging your back when you have cramps.

U = Ugly

So...Izzy has bad habits. For a long time, it's drugs. And alcohol. Bad hygiene, poor diet, etc. Once those are under control and he's gotten clean, it's really only the occasional things that bother you. He isn't great at communicating his feelings and can be hard to read, which is frustrating when you're trying to see how he is or when you need to have a serious conversation together. 

V = Vanity

Izzy isn't vain in that he doesn't care about people's opinions of his looks, but he can get miffed when someone trash-talks his skills as a musician or takes issue with his personality. 

W = Whole

If you two had a fling, or an affair, there is no way in hell he would feel "incomplete" without you. But, since we're assuming you're in a serious relationship with him ;), he would certainly feel a piece missing when you're not there. 

X = Xtra

Izzy is not a delusional person by any means, but he can be about you. He has a difficult time admitting that you can be in the wrong.

Y = Yuck

He doesn't like spending a lot of time around talkative, social people. He hates it when people let their egos get the better of them, which has happened to himself once or twice. He hates when anybody believes they have the right to control someone else, or critique their lifestyle. He doesn't want to be put in a box or labeled. 

Z = Zzzz

He sleeps a LOT. On certain drug benders, he's up for days at a time. 

So these were just some Izzy headcanons that came to mind. I'd like to know yours!

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