PDA (Guns N' Roses)

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Steven's smile is so precious wtf

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Izzy: He's not overly into PDA, so his physical affection comes out in more subtle ways. A shoulder bump here and there, etc.

Axl: He's always touching your hands in some way. He loves the feeling of your hand inside of his and wants everyone to know that you're his. He convinces himself that he's keeping you safe, but you are more his security blanket than anything.

Steven: Anything. He loves kisses on your forehead and cheeks especially and he loves it when you show affection toward him.

Slash: He likes using you as a pillow. Sometimes he'll headbutt you.

Duff: Hugs. He loves pulling you in, holding you against his chest, and kissing the top of your head.

lmao can you tell I'm lonely

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