Hospital (Steven Adler)

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First imagine goes out to this troubled angel who is near and dear to my heart. 

You visit him at the hospital after he overdoses.

The only sounds on the ward are the clicking of your shoes against the buffed linoleum floor and the faint buzz of machines. Clutching your purse close to your side, you scan the room numbers for 246. The hall never ends. You just want to see him. The tightness in your chest increasing, you pick up the pace and watch the room numbers go up. Finally, you reach his room.

You take a minute to steady your breathing, knowing that seeing you in distress wouldn't help him at all. You grip the handle and push open the door. He's laying in the middle of the bed covered with a thin blanket. 

"Hey, honey," he croaks, a grin stretching his face wide. You close your eyes to avoid leaking tears. His cheeks are sunken and his hair is matted to his head. He looks so frail. 

"Hi, Steven." His smile falls at little at your wobbly voice and he reaches his arms out to you. You place your purse on the floor and walk over. You sit sideways on the bed and gently lean into his feeble embrace.

"You look good." You giggle and pull back.

"I try," you respond, fluffing your hair dramatically. He just stares at you, inducing a blush. "Do you need anything? Have they been taking care of you?"

"Oh, y'know...I'm fine." You get suspicious at his tone. Were they ignoring him? 

"At least let me open the blinds. It's fucking depressing in here." He smirks. You get up from the bed and go over to the windows. The slats open as you pull the string down, letting mid-morning sunshine in. "See? Doesn't that feel a bit better? Sunlight is good for your health," you chirp, turning back to him. He mutters something under his breath.

"What was that?"

"Nothing," he mocks. You huff and hoist yourself onto the bed. 

"They tell you when you can leave?"

"Tomorrow." There's a break of silence.

"...And after that?" You try to keep your voice casual, but he scoffs anyways.

"Back to life as usual." You want to say something about rehab but decide against it. 


"Y/N?" he asks, staring into space.


"I love you." 

"I love you too, Steven." You maneuver around him and face his back, spooning him. You rub your hand over his in circles. That's all you really could do. The two of you sit in peaceful silence for a while until a nurse comes in.

It wasn't his first time in the hospital and it wouldn't be his last. 

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