TLC (Slash)

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Slash x Fem!Reader Insert, Fluff


She sits cross-legged on her worn leather couch. The cushions are stained and scratched from the previous owner, but they're wide as a bed and perfect for days like these.

There is nothing good on the television. She's gripping her increasingly cool mug of tea while flicking through the options. No movies are standing out. She just wants to watch something comforting, and they are all either too dumb or too sad.

Pressing down hard on the power button, she hauls herself off of the couch and pads over to her tiny kitchen. There are dirty dishes piled high in the sink, which she can't bring herself to take care of right now. Her whole apartment could use a cleaning, come to think of it. But it can wait a day longer, surely.

Although the movie search had been fruitless, there are other ways to cheer herself up. A copy of her favorite book, the pages creased and yellow, calls to her from its spot on her bookshelf.

Yes. That's good. She'll pop her tea in the microwave and settle in for a good long day of reading.

Five minutes later, she is getting ready to sit down with her book when the doorbell buzzes. She wrinkles her brow in confusion. Nobody ever comes to see her, besides the occasional pizza delivery man. She drops her book and blanket on the couch and walks over to the door. When she gets there, she presses the intercom.

"Who is it?" she asks with trepidation.

"Uh, it's Slash, honey. I know I should have called, but I've been in town for a few days and wanted to see you."

Her finger jolts away from the button like it's been burned. Slash. What the hell is he doing here?

They had met by chance back in '02, and had been keeping in touch every couple months or so since then. Her feelings aren't exactly a secret. She can always tell from from their few meetings that he knows she has feelings for him. Which mortifies her, of course, especially since he has made no move to reciprocate them.

She doesn't regret meeting him, but she can admit that the heartache of loving him without ever being able to have him is starting to crush her. It's time to move on.

At least, that's what she had decided up until now.

After a solid thirty seconds of near panic, she slowly drags the door open. There he is. Medium height, medium build, plain shirt, plain shoes...and painfully gorgeous. There's also the matter of the tiny, fuzzy thing nestled in the crook of his arm.


"Got a special delivery," he declares.

"I see that," she replies weakly. "How - uh, what are you doing here? And who is this?!" She gestures to his arms.

It's a puppy. Silky white fur with black spots, floppy ears, looks to weigh no more than a newborn baby.

"She's for you, honey. You mentioned last time that you've always wanted a dog, and...I took it into my hands to help out." He looks slightly nervous, but his face is split open in a blinding grin. His curly hair is off his forehead for once, drawn back into a knit beanie, and she can see the crinkles around his eyes.

She lets out a choked gasp, and reaches out to hold the little thing. Slash gently places it in her arms. As soon as its soft tufts of puppy fur graze her skin, she melts. It's perfect. A baby all to herself.

Sighing at the sensation of its squishy belly rising up and down, she looks at Slash with tears in her eyes.

"Hi," she says. He cocks his head at her. "It's been a while. I - I don't know what to say. About this. About you, being here."\

He makes a small nod of understanding and peers down at his shoes. "I know. It's a little personal," he admits.

"Well...yes. I don't know how to read this situation." The puppy (Lila, she decides) is falling asleep against her chest.

"Is it really all that bad to want to do something nice for you?"

Her face crumples. "No! Never. You have no idea how much this means to me. That's the problem, though."

Slash is staring directly at her now, no longer shying away. "I do know, " he expresses.

She gulps and holds Lila closer.

His mouth trembles a bit as he musters up the courage to keep going. "I know, and I'm here to show you that I feel the same way. I mean," he fumbles, "I - I want to try this, you know?. This thing between us."

Her mouth falls open in an "o" shape. "Are you asking me out?" she splutters.

He smirks, not in a mocking way, and nods. "Yeah. If you want."

"If I want? You - I suppose that's what she's for!" She jerks her chin down down at Lila. "Something to butter me up before you shoot your shot, huh?"

He breaks out into laughter. "Something like that, yeah."


"But look at her! She belongs with you anyway."

Trying not to let her elation show, she offers him to come in. "Well, I guess it wouldn't be too much trouble to let you inside. Since you came all the way here." Despite her firm tone, she's beaming at him.

"Okay," he murmurs.

She uses her back to push the door open wider and lets him in.

"Wait!" she cries. "I don't have any food for her!"

He laughs. "You didn't think I'd get you a dog and not bring supplies, did you?"

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