August 26th (Slash)

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Another request from Tumblr. Current Slash x reader, smut, period sex


August 26th had been declared "Slash Day" in West Hollywood. Your boyfriend had always been embarrassed by it but responded to the celebrations with grace. 

The day of, you decided to make a cake. You woke up feeling sluggish and crabby, but powered through it. After drinking a tall glass of cold water and connecting your phone to the kitchen bluetooth, you gathered the proper ingredients. Flour, white sugar, eggs, butter, leavening agents, and dark chocolate. Slash wasn't a dessert fanatic, so you knew he'd like a simple cake.

Speaking of him, you could hear his soft footsteps coming from your bedroom. You groaned inwardly; you had wanted more time alone to prepare for him. Grumbling curses under your breath, you hurried to make coffee and cut up some fruit. 

You felt rather than saw him enter the kitchen. He slid his arms around your torso and rested his chin atop your head. You closed your eyes and set down the knife. His familiar scent enveloped you, providing momentary relief from your sour mood.

"Hey," he said in a deep voice.


You felt him smile against your hair.

"What're you doing, angel?"

"Just making breakfast."

He withdrew his arms and scanned the kitchen. You missed the weight of his hands resting on your belly.

"Looks like more than breakfast," he mused.

You turned around to face him and grinned. "Well, it is your day."

His brow wrinkled for a second before smoothing out. "Oh, right."

"You can't honestly expect me not to celebrate," you teased.

The corners of his mouth pulled up slightly and he fixed you with his gaze.

"Thank you."

You waved him off. "Don't thank me yet. Let's pray it turns out okay."

He scoffed. "Everything you bake is perfect."

You shrugged and he frowned.

"What's wrong, baby?"

"I hate being in a mood," you admitted.

His eyes gleamed with understanding. "Mental or physical?"

"Both," you whined.

"Wasn't your last period a month ago?"

You glared at him. "Everything has to be about my cycle? Really?"

"No," he drawled, "but usually is when you feel this way."

Your shoulders drooped. "I really hope not. Why today?"

He laughed. "Why am I the one who always knows when you're about to start your period?"

To your horror, tears started welling up in your eyes. "I don't know," you said in a wavering voice.

Slash startled. "Baby, don't cry." He drew you back into his arms. "Everything's fine, okay?"

"No it's not," you choked out. "I wanted to make today special!"

He picked you up and set you on the granite counter.

Resting his forehead against yours, he said, "I'm grateful for you. Every day. You know that, right?"

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