Sofia (Slash)

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Slash x Original Female Character


Slash always looked forward to London for a reason he hadn't been ready to admit to himself until now.

He first laid eyes on Sofia two years ago. He had been strolling around the stage before soundcheck when he caught sight of a short woman swaying back and forth. She wore an outdated pair of headphones and danced while setting up the amps.

For a moment, time had stopped. He'd become hypnotized by her movements and the distant smile on her face. She looked far away, somewhere pleasant, and the desire to be there with her hit him like a freight train.

Their introduction later that night was mostly unfruitful. Sofia had grinned at him and said a quick 'hello' while passing by, but Slash hadn't even gotten the chance to ask her name. He had to find it out from another stagehand, who had given him a strange look when he inquired about her.

He was able to properly meet her about eight months later when he returned to London, this time with the band. They all were giddy about the upcoming tour and renewing his friendship with Axl was more emotional than he let on. Traveling around the world with the singer and Duff was not something Slash had ever thought of doing again, but there they were.

He was shocked to see Sofia again, and even more that his feelings came back in full force.

"Hey, I'm Slash," he said, placing an open hand in front of him. She hesitated for a second before slipping her small hand into his and shaking it.

"Sofia." She flashed him a warm smile. "I wanted to say something last time, but I was so nervous," she admitted.

To his surprise, she was blushing.

"I'm a big fan, so this is kind of like a dream. I love, love you guys so much." Her voice was so heartfelt and genuine that it made his chest clench.

"Well...thank you. Really. We're happy to be back." He was thankful that his eyes were partially covered by his fringe because making eye contact with her might have been too much.

She smiled again and shifted her feet. He could tell she was a bit uncomfortable and felt bad.

"I've got to go," he told her, "but we can talk later if you want?"

"Yeah, sure." She was blushing furiously now and looking at the floor.

He coughed and walked swiftly away.

After the show, which had been exhilarating, he sought her out again. She was wearing the same headphones, but this time he could see they were connected to a cassette. A book was in her hand, and she was focusing on it intently. He wanted to interact with her desperately but chickened out at the last moment. She looked content. Besides, it would've been inappropriate to keep bothering her.

It was almost two years to the day that they had met, and Slash was mustering up the courage to finally start a real conversation with Sofia.

She was wearing all black, the usual for stagehands, and rummaging through her bag. He watched her pull out her headphones and Walkman. Not wanting to stand there being a creep, he decided to approach her.

"Don't really see those anymore," he commented. She jumped slightly and whipped around.

"Oh! Hi!" She smiled that same smile of hers, beautiful but unsure.

He cleared his throat and took in a deep breath. "Um, we're – some of the band I mean – going out tomorrow. For drinks."

She looked at him expectantly and he felt himself losing his nerve.

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