Pretty Girl (Slash)

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Slash attempts to seduce you in drag, but you take charge of the situation. I once read about Slash trying to seduce Steven as a woman when he wasn't let into a club, so that's where this came from.


You can't see very well. It appears that the club owners prefer to keep the lighting at a minimum, so you could only make out human shapes based on the reflections their shimmery clothes gave out. 

Energetic dance music blares through the speakers, moving the people on the dance floor. An unknown person, female judging by the figure, grabs your sleeve and grinds their hips onto you, receiving a cat-like hiss in response. They back off and you continue navigating through the crowd. The way the club is set up sucks. In order to get to the other side that has tables and was overall calmer, you have to cross the furious sea of young adults dancing their hearts out. 

Finally the crowd thins. You make your way over to the table where the boys sit. It was more of a booth, a nook that's upholstered with cheap black velvet and pleather. Axl is leaning against the wall and laughing at something that had just been said. Duff holds a bottle of liquor with both hands. You note that Steven and Izzy are absent, likely off getting high. 

"Y/N, we missed you. Where you been?" Axl crows. You don't miss the sarcasm in his voice.

"I'm going to throttle him. He said he would be right back. It's been a whole hour. I didn't see him anywhere. I even checked the men's room!" You're on the verge of a breakdown. Slash had slipped away earlier with nothing more than a cheeky grin and had yet to return. You didn't like it when he left your side. 

"Might've just bounced." 

You turn to Duff with a sulky look on your face. He raises an eyebrow in amusement and brings the bottle to his lips. He takes a long swig and then offers it to you. Running on low fuel, you reach out and take it, to his surprise. You aren't a drinker.

"Desperate times," you say, trying to justify the poison you were putting into your body. 

After a few minutes of wallowing in frustration and concern, you're alerted to the presence of a man in a leather jacket. Axl's eyes narrow at him.

"Uh, hi. Do you need something?" The man moves his gaze from Axl to her.

"Yeah, are you Y/N?" His question sounds strangely rehearsed.

"Yes?" What does this dude want?

"Somebody's asking for you. On the floor."

"Oh?" you let out weakly. Duff and Axl share looks.

"Yeah, they're over here," he says, gesturing to the floor. "Come with me." 

You frown but get up from the table and follow him. He leads you through the crowd. You're suspicious but keep going. He stops in his tracks and points ahead of him.

"See, right there? In the black dress? That's them." 

He leaves while you squint at the person. Girl? Whoever they are they're fairly tall for a woman, even without the pumps. They have their arms draped around the neck of some drunken slob. You stare at the odd pair swaying back and forth. What the hell? They turn in your direction and your eyes widen with shock.

"You bitch," you whisper in awe. It was Slash. Slathered in body glitter and wrapped in a silky dress. He flutters his smoky eyes at you over his beau's shoulder and you blush.

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