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Well, today's the day. That's all I thought this morning because today is the day that Kai and I leave the Inn to continue our travels. It's weird ,though, because I think I'm actually going to miss this place, like  the Inn, Taehyun and Beomgyu, And even the town. But, we really should go. 

So, we packed our things. It didn't take too long considering we didn't that much with us. Then, when we were done packing up we took one last look at the room. Then we walked to the lobby, and as usual Beomgyu was at the front desk looking down at something on the desk. He must have heard us coming because he looked up and smiled at us. We smiled back and walked up to the desk. 

"Hello, how was your guys morning", Beomgyu greeted us. "It was fine", Kai say sounding a little sad. Beomgyu frowned a little at that. "So, is there anything I can do for you guys". 

"Um, yeah, we are here to check out". 

"Aw, really, I can do that for you. Though it will be sad to see you go", Beomgyu said as he looked down at the papers on his desk and wrote something down. After, he looked up and said "Okay, now, I'll take your key and".

"Wait", Kai cut him off "We didn't double check the room. What if we forgot something? Can I go check?" He seemed actually worried about it, so I gave in "Fine, but don't take too long", I said. Then gave him the room key and watched him run out of the lobby. 

I was left with an awkward silence with Beomgyu. But, I remembered that I had a something to ask him. "Hey, can I ask you something?" 

"Of course", He said and turned to me. "So, you know hoe Taehyun mentioned the tree we came here from, what did he mean? Like what does that have to do with Kai and I being a couple?" When I finished the question Beomgyu looked a little too happy to answer it. "Well, as you know, the tree is magical and the magic specifically has to do with love and relationships. So, it usually only lets in couples or people who will eventually be a couple. No one knows how it does it but it does".

Wow, that's a lot to process. But, I didn't get to process it because Kai came running up to the desk. "We're good. Here you go", Kai said handing the key to Beomgyu. "Thank you", He replied taking the key. That's when I realized that we have to pay for the room. "Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry we don't have much money", I panicked looking through my back pack and pockets. Thank goodness, I found a 10 dollar bill in my pocket and tried to hand it to him. But, he didn't take it and pushed my hand away. "It's okay, you don't have to, I'm just glad we could lend you a place to stay".

"Thank you", Kai said brightly. "Well, good bye", Kai added waving as we started to walk towards the door. "Bye", Beomgyu said while waving back. "Oh and say 'bye' to Taehyun for us", Kai yelled back and Gyu nodded. 

Then, we walked out of the front door of the Inn, and started walking towards the town. Which will ,hopefully, lead us to the forest.

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