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The next day, Aria sat at a picnic table by herself eating her lunch when Alby took the seat across from her. She felt a tad intimidated by him as he was usually very strict and almost standoffish. Aria and Alby haven't had a ton of conversations so she wasn't sure why he chose to sit with her.

"Afternoon Aria, how are you adjusting?" Alby asked her as she shrugged.

"As good as I can be, I guess. I don't mind my job and it's been...interesting to get to know everyone." She responded as he nodded at her words, even sporting a small smile.

"Well, I'm glad. We usually have a bonfire the night of a new greenie in their honor but as you had a rough few days, we were planning on having it tonight, sound good with you?" Alby asked her as she nodded.

"Sounds great, thank you Alby." She smiled as he nodded, getting up and leaving her to finish her lunch on her own.

Aria knew it was hard for her to truly bond with these boys since she was the only girl and she sometimes felt like she was on the outskirts of the glade, not feeling like she fit in. She knew the guys didn't want to make her feel like that but it was inevitable for her.

Her eyes scanned the other glader's, watching as they all talked with each other at different tables, and sighed. She watched as one of the builders, Theo, got up from his table and walked towards Aria.

"Hey Aria, you looked a tad left out. I thought I would come to sit with you." Theo smiled at her as she gratefully smiled back.

"Thanks, Theo, I appreciate it." Aria smiled at him.

"So, I heard that we're having a bonfire in your honor tonight? Are you excited?" Theo asked as she nodded.

"I am. It'll be nice to just relax, I feel like I've been very nervous since I've been here." She revealed as he nodded in agreeance.

"I feel ya, I felt the same way when I came in but I could only assume it would be even tougher being the only girl. I think you're adjusting just fine." Theo told her with a smile.

"I hope so." Aria responded with a smile.


Later that night, after everyone had finished their work for the day, they sat around a fire pit not yet lit.

"Keepers, light it up!" Alby shouted as all the keepers went forward to help light the fire as everyone else cheered.

"To the princess of the glade, our newest addition, Aria!" Gally cheered as everyone chorused around him. She wasn't a fan of the nickname but she still felt too awkward bringing it up as she was the newest 'greenie'.

Aria watched as all the boys cheered around the fire once it was lit, deciding to take a seat on one of the logs as they all joked around with one another. She noticed that Gally was walking towards her and she gave him a small smile.

"Hey greenie, have some of this, it should loosen you up." Gally smiled, passing her a cup.

"Thanks Gally." Aria smiled at him as he nodded, walking over to a group of guys who were play wrestling with each other.

She decided to take a sip of her drink, the liquid burning her throat as she did making her cough as she swallowed.

"You okay there Aria?" Minho asked with a laugh as he sat beside her.

"Yeah, this just caught me off guard. What even is it?" She asked as he shrugged.

"I'm not sure. Gally's secret recipe." Minho shrugged as she continued to drink it, trying to ignore the burning taste.

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