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Aria had barely walked out of the med-jack room when Gally had stormed over to her, Newt and Minho.

"Aria, you are up? You look so much better, how are you feeling?" Gally asked, bringing Aria in, roughly, for a hug as she stumbled into his arms as Minho and Newt both shouted a 'hey!'.

"I'm fine Gally." Aria mumbled into his chest as Newt delicately grabbed Aria's waist, tugging her towards him once again.

"Gally she just woke up, be gentle." Newt scolded as Gally just rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, whatever Newt, you two run along I have to talk to Aria." Gally instructed as Newt and Aria quickly locked eyes, Aria giving him a slight nod before Newt and Minho walked away.

"So, what did you remember after you got stung?" Gally asked as Aria slightly froze.

"Uh, just about WICKED, It wasn't much as I was basically locked in a cell for most of the years... it was really strange." Aria shrugged as Gally gave her a look.

"That's all you remember? You don't remember Thomas or Teresa? Or me?" Gally asked as she shook her head, watching as he let out a little 'hmph' before turning to look into the glade.

"So, where's Teresa and Thomas?" Aria asked, playing dumb.

"The slammer."

"Gally, what the hell, why?" Aria asked, turning to send him a glare.

"They are the reason everything bad has happened in the glade Aria, I just know it-" Gally started to defend as she shook her head at him, cutting him off.

"You don't know anything Gally, you are assuming and it's not right-" Aria began to defend her brother before Gally shushed her, saying, "Aria, this is the way things are if you don't like it, feel free to be banished with them."

Aria said nothing as she turned to walk away, soon finding Newt in their room as she let out a sigh, catching Newt's attention as he stood, walking towards her.

"Hi love..." Newt trailed off, knowing that Aria was extremely overwhelmed right now.

"Hi Newt..." Aria trailed off, trying to blink away the tears that threatened to spill as Newt let out a small sigh before bringing her in for a tight hug, letting her begin to cry into his chest as he soothingly rubbed her back.

"It's okay Aria, everything will work out." Newt tried to comfort as Aria just sniffled into his chest. Newt knew Aria better than anyone else did as he was observant, and cared for her a lot. He knew that she just needed to cry about it as she grew more and more overwhelmed with the situation at hand and he would be that rock for her, he would do anything for her.

When she pulled away, he sent her a sad smile before wiping away her tears and leading her to their bed as they laid down to cuddle together.


"Yeah, love?"

"I have to tell you something. Something that I saw when I was stung." Aria told him as he nodded, encouraging her to continue, "Well I remember that Thomas is my older brother, and we all got there as kids... I remember my Mom, at least what she looked like, I remember meeting you when we were little, and I had a huge crush on you... they wanted me and Thomas to work for them and I refused too, so they locked me up and threatened Thomas to work for them so that they wouldn't kill me as I was no use to them. Newt, we knew each other, and we're friends, and spent tons of time together before you were sent up."

"I guess that explains why I had a feeling of knowing when I met you, it felt like I had met you before." Newt murmured out as she let out a quiet giggle, leaning up to place a gentle kiss on his jaw, but upon seeing his distressed face, even in the dark, she began to feel bad.

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