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Aria was awoken the next morning to hear two voices talking quietly in her room, her body still wrapped around Newt's as he tickled her arm lightly. Her eyes fluttered open as she saw Newt and Minho discussing something when Minho noticed she was awake.

"Morning Aria." Minho nodded at her as Newt looked down at the girl in his arms.

"Sleep well?" Newt asked as she nodded, obviously not a morning person.

"Well I am going to run, I'll see you both at breakfast?" Minho asked, standing up from the chair in the corner.

"Yeah, see you." Newt nodded before the pair were left alone in their room. Newt rolled his body over so he was facing her as his eyes scanned over her face.

"Why are you staring?" Aria mumbled out, still not awake.

"Because you're so beautiful... and why shouldn't I? You're my girl, aren't you?" Newt asked as her eyes went wide.

"Your girl? Hm?" Aria laughed out.

"Oh, that's what you have to say? I've never had a relationship... I'm assuming you haven't either, or maybe we both did, not that we could remember..." Newt trailed off.

"No, I haven't... not that I know of. You're the first person I have ever kissed or even the first person I have ever liked, like that." Aria grinned at him, slightly blushing at her own words.

"The first one?" Newt laughed out, "So who are you planning on replacing me with in the future?"

"Oh come on, that's not what I meant." Aria laughed out again.

"It better not be." Newt said, bringing her body closer to his as he laid his head in the crook of her neck, giving it light kisses.

"You and I, we are for-lifers." Aria said as he nodded.

"Of course we are, for-lifers." Newt agreed, enjoying them just lying together in bed.


Later that day, Aria watched from a distance as the new girl was on the top of the homestead, throwing stuff down at the boys as they all shouted at her from the ground. She watched as Thomas yelled up at her, the two exchanging some words before he went climbing up, the rest of the guys dispersing.

Minho and Newt began to walk towards where Aria stood, leaning against the tree as she let out a giggle from their faces.

"I am so glad you weren't like that." Newt flirted, gently grabbing her hips as he brought her towards him, planting a soft kiss on her lips as Minho muttered out 'gross'.

"Of course you are." Aria joked back.

"I mean, you are a pain in the ass in other ways." Minho teased her as she sent him a playful glare.

"Shut up Minho, you love me." Aria argued back, turning the front of her body away from Newt so she was facing Minho, leaning her body against Newt.

"You're okay." Minho playfully shrugged.

"Shove off. Did she say her name yet?" Aria asked.

"Not yet." Newt informed her.

"Interesting..." Aria trailed off, watching as the new greenie and Thomas sat on the edge, talking about something.

"Chucks bloody in love with her." Newt laughed out as she let out small giggles.

"That's cute, his first crush." Aria said as they watched Chuck stay close to the homestead.

"And you were mine." Newt whispered into her ear, giving her cheek a kiss as she sent him a loving look.

"And you, me."

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