Chapter 1

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        Call me insane, but I felt like the moon understood me. Maybe it was the way it was so bright in times of darkness. Or the way it seemed so poetic, a graceful beam of light. It was always alone, but was never lonely.
        Ok, maybe I was over dramatic about my love for the moon, but it was the only thing that kept me company. Being a lone killjoy was rare, if not unheard of, in the zones. Everyone had their teams and their confidents. But I had my reasons.
        Normally, I would try to sleep as soon as the sun went down, so I would be prepared for the next day and the next mission. The next battle in the ever-lasting war against Better Living Industries, who had ruined everyone's lives, even if they didn't realize it. But for some reason, I just couldn't sleep tonight.
        I readjust my makeshift pillow, which was really just my fake red leather jacket (I would die of heat if it was real) rolled up into a ball, and once again stare at the moon, hoping for sleep to come.
        But of course it doesn't. And instead I lie awake thinking about how the world has gone crazy. Ever since the fires started and Korse took over, the Killjoys and I have been living in zones, taking down dracs and trying to take down BL/ind. My life has become an endless cycle of killing dracs and searching for BL's weakness. It's not an easy life, but I wouldn't have it any other way. The adrenaline rush I get while on a mission is incomparable. It reminds me of why I'm a Killjoy.

        The sun rises and I jump out of what I call a bed, but is really just an old blanket on the floor, and turn on my radio for Dr. Death Defying's morning broadcast. There's nothing new to hear as I tie up my boots and put on my jacket.
        I take a look around at my makeshift home. It's an old warehouse, and while it's not pretty, it's extremely stable and well hidden. No drac wants to come into an abandoned warehouse that looks like it will fall down any second. It's pretty spacious, and looks completely empty due to my lack of personal belongings. A spare change of clothes and a few cans of Power Pup were all I kept with me, and my gun of course. I couldn't ever leave it behind. It was like an extension of me, and kept me alive. I traced the blue bio-hazard symbol on it when Dr. D said something about some dracs in my zone.
        I grabbed my motorcycle, which was my one true love, as I called it. It was electric blue, with red and black bio-hazard symbols painted on in various spaces, similar to my gun. When I found her, she was extremely beat up and wasn't even running; but over time I was able to fix her up and make her look and run just like new. I hopped on and headed off to where they were spotted. I felt the familiar adrenaline pumping through my veins as I saw the dracs' car.
        I slide my half-mask down onto my face so they won't recognize me, but then realize it's kind of pointless. My blonde and black hair is a bit of a giveaway
        The dracs get out of the car and I instantly shoot. Luckily, there's only three of them, and I barely have to use my sights on my gun to aim.
        They're all dead within a minute, and I strap my gun back onto the side of my leg. I turn around to head back to my bike when I hear a voice behind me.
        "Not too bad," I can tell its a male, and look to see a boy with a shock of bright red hair with a yellow mask who looks to be about my age with three other Killjoys behind him. "I'm Party Poison, and they're Fun Ghoul, Kobra Kid, and Jet Star" he says, gesturing to the his friends behind him. "We came to ghost the dracs, but it looks like you already dusted them."
        I give him a small smile. "Thanks." I don't want to talk to them. I don't want to make friends.
        "And what's your name, love?" Party asks.
        Shoot. "Toxic Torrent." I say quietly.
        "Well, why don't you accompany us on our mission? We're headed into Zone 3 and could use some backup. Apparently there's a hoard of dracs down there."
        "Um, I really need to get going. I have to-"
        "C'mon, please? By the looks of it we could really use your help." The one named Kobra says.
        I don't want to accept their offer. It means making friends. It means letting my guard down. But I can't send them into a hoard of dracs on their own. They could die, and that's four less Killjoys in the battle against BL/ind.
        "Fine. But don't expect any help after this. I just don't want you guys to die while being stupid. This is a one time thing-got it? I'll meet you in Zone 3."
        And with that, I'm on my motorcycle, driving to the zone and wondering what the heck I just got myself in to.

         I let their vintage trans-am ride side by side with me so I know where I'm going, and I can't help but marvel at the car. Sure, it's old and extremely beat up, but I'm a total motorbaby, and the thing is beautiful in my eyes. It's brightly spray painted, with the signature Killjoy spider on the hood. The back has the words "Look alive, Sunshine" from Dr. D's broadcasts. It's gorgeous, and it takes all of my self control not to drool at it.

        "Hey! If you're gonna stare at it, you might as well just ride with us!" Ghoul yells from the passenger seat.
        I look away, now focusing on the road. I don't want to ride with them. I don't want to get to know them. But with a great car like that, it might be good to know them...
        Soon after, we enter Zone 3. The dracs are easily spotted, and we pull over to walk the rest of the way. "I was able to fix it up. We found it about two years ago and it hasn't failed us yet," Party says while walking beside me, referring to his car.
        "It looks amazing"
        "You can take it for a ride sometime if you want," he offers.
        I contemplate his offer, and decide to say nothing. Taking it for a ride would involve seeing them again. I'd rather just stick with my bike. I say nothing and keep walking, not wanting to say something rude.
        As we get closer, I can see that there are more dracs than I thought. There are easily at least fifteen. What they were doing in Zone 3 with such large numbers, I could only guess.
        The five of us immediately open fire. I go back to back with Party and together we shoot down the dracs. They're running fearlessly towards us while bullets and lasers are shooting past us. All is clear from my head, and the battle seems to go in slow motion. Adrenaline is coursing through my veins. I feel alive.
        Jet, Kobra, and Ghoul seem to have some sort of method going on, and they take down the rest of dracs in graceful precision. The Fabulous Four don't mess around.
        My rush is beginning to die down as I let out a victory yell, excited about the defeat of the draculoids in the firefight. I'm about to walk back towards my bike and leave when Party pushes me down to the ground, and a shot goes past where my head just was. 
        "Party! What the heck?" I scream at him.
        Then, he shoots the drac that almost killed me square in the head, and offers me a hand to get up.
        "Oh. Sorry. I didn't see," I say sheepishly.
        "Sorry bout that. Didn't want to see you get ghosted!" He says with a smile.
        "Thank you. That would've sucked."
        "Yeah, thanks for your help, Toxic. It would've taken a lot longer without you," Jet says, walking over to us.
        I blush slightly, not used to the praise, and mutter out a small "thanks." 
        "Hey, where's your team?" Ghoul asks.
        "Yeah," Jet continues. "I didn't see anyone else with you."
        I look at the ground when I answer, "I work alone."
        "What?" Party asks, concerned. "A lone killjoy?" I nod. "But why?"
        "Listen, I'm sorry if this sounds rude, but I have my reasons. Now, I've got to go." I say, wanting to get out of here and away from them as soon as possible. Before he can say anything, I hop on my motorcycle and am headed back home, replaying the conversations in my head and leaving the Fabulous Four in the desert.

A/N: Hey guys! So this is my first fanfiction based off of Danger Days so I hope you like it! So thanks for reading and I'm sorry if it sucks.

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