Chapter 21

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Song to listen to while reading: Dead! by My Chemical Romance

Toxic Torrent's POV:

One of my favorite things in the world is the hype and adrenaline rush I get before going into a battle. The feeling of being invincible, while your own mortality hangs over your head. Maybe it made me seem slightly insane, but who ever said I wasn't?

Roughly one hundred Killjoys responded to Party's call, and showed up at the diner the next morning. An array of brightly clad people with assorted cars and motorcycles were crowded outside, as the six of us stood on the roof. I couldn't help but to remember (or at least what I could-majority of my memories were still a bit foggy) all of the late nights Party and I had spent up here, talking about the world and our lives and nothing at all. Would we ever be able to do that after this? This was our biggest united stand against BL/ind , and I was still unsure of how it would turn out, and fearful that we were leading these Killjoys to their deaths.

"Killjoys!" Party Poison yelled down to the assembled group, and they all turned to look up at us. "Today we are going to take down Better Living Industries. We are going to be splitting up into six groups. The six of us," he gestured to Kobra, Silver, Jet, Ghoul, and me, as well as himself, "will be going inside their headquarters, as we know the exact layout and how to upset the inside balance. The rest of you will be put into groups of twenty. Your team will either protect the civilians, as they will be in serious danger, detonate bombs around the city, raise some hell inside the city, guard the perimeter to make sure that no exterminators escape, or be on watch outside of HQ while we are inside. I'm not going to lie, this is going to be dangerous. We're going to have S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W on us. Not everyone is going to make it out alive. That's why we need to make sure that, if you choose to come with us, you will not back out or leave any other Killjoy for dead. Are we clear?" A chorus of agreeing yells echoed throughout the desert wasteland, and I smiled at my boyfriend.

I had never seen him take on his leadership position before, and now that I had, I understood why he was the leader of all of the Killjoys. He was honest, but somehow managed to hype up the crowd. If you had told me a year and a half ago that I was going to fall in love with the infamous Party Poison and help lead the takedown of BL/ind, I would've most likely said you were crazy, and possibly flipped you off. But here I am, about to embark on the most dangerous mission of my Killjoy career. And I was ready to win.

"Are you ready?" I screamed down the the Killjoys, and received a chorus of encouraging yells and a few shots being fired. "Hey! Save those rounds for the dracs!" Most of these people had no idea who I was, or just a faint recollection of my face, since I never really associated with other people. But since I was now apart of the Fabulous Five, they seemed to trust me. And I wasn't going to argue against it.

I drove and Party sat shotgun, with the rest of our team in the back, Mad Gear and Missile Kid blasting through the speakers as we went over our plan one more time. Party reached over and squeezed my hand. "I'm still not positive I want you going back in there. What if something happens to you?"

I actually laughed in response, and Silver screamed from the back that this was not a cheesy romance movie. "Party Poison," I explained, "I am the only one in this group who knows the ins and outs of BL HQ, and you want to leave me behind? Not to mention that I need to be there to make sure that none of you get stupid and get get yourselves killed. I appreciate the gesture, but stop trying to leave me out of all the fun!"

Meanwhile, Jet was trying to talk Silver Shock out of the same thing in the back, which resulted in him getting punched in the arm as Silver yelled, "You are not in a movie, Jet-Star!"

We reached the gates of the city soon enough, flanked by the numerous Killjoy vehicles. The team assigned to guard the gates entered first, and multiple flashes of multicolored lights shot up into the sky as a firefight erupted between Killjoys and dracs. The rest of the groups took the opportunity to run inside the gate and start demolishing the city.

Detonators (Gerard Way/Party Poison)Where stories live. Discover now