Chapter 6

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        "Toxic!"  I hear Party yell, waking me up. "Are you up yet?"

        "Well now I am!"  I yell back.  "Thanks for that!  I could've used an extra few minutes of sleep!"  None of us went to sleep until at least three in the morning, due to the fact that we stayed up celebrating that I was finally apart of a team.  Or they at least considered me apart of theirs.  I, however, was still a bit unsure about this whole thing, but I figured I had to stick with them since Party and I were starting to get closer.  

        I sluggishly pull off my blanket and roll out of bed, still slightly pissed at Party for making me get up at seven in the morning.  Honestly, how does he think I can properly function with less than four hours of sleep?  And more importantly, how is he already up and running?  I curse under my breath as I get out of bed and stand up.  I forgot I twisted my ankle.  It hurts like hell.

        Once I change into a new set of clothes, I head into the diner, hitting Party on the back of the head on my way in.  "Hey!" he exclaims, rubbing where I hit him. "What was that for?"

        "Getting me up this early.  Why?"  I grab a can of Power Pup and sit in a booth next to Ghoul.

        "Well Dr. D wanted a debrief on the raid yesterday because it went well and now BL is mad." Kobra informs me.

        "So you and I are leaving in 5, and the boys are going to cruise the zones."  Party says, and I'm still half-asleep.

        "So why did Dr. D want me?  I would think he would've trusted Kobra or Jet more,"  I wonder aloud to Party as we drive to Dr. Death's base.

        "I don't know.  He just radioed in to us that he wanted a debrief, and said he wanted to 'catch up' with you,"

        Wonderful.  That doesn't sound intimidating at all.  I turn up the radio and the two of us start singing along to Mad Gear and Missile Kid with the top off and the wind blowing through our hair.  

        We pull up to Dr. D's base and head into the underground basement of the old warehouse.  I've only been to the base once, and it hasn't changed much.  A large room with multicolored spray painted walls and the signature Killjoy spider decorated the walls, with comfy red couches on one side on the room, and then Dr. D's "radio broadcast"  equipment on the other side, which consisted of various screens and cameras, along with a few microphones and a pile of old CDs.

       Dr. Death-Defying came into the room, with a smile on his face. "Party! It's a pleasure to see you again!  How have you been?" he said excitedly, making it obvious that he and Party had a good relationship.  "Oh, and the infamous Toxic Torrent!  It's always great to see you!" He says with a forced smile, and forced civility as well.

        Dr. Death-Defying and I had a strange relationship, to say the least.  I wasn't officially apart of his ranks, but I still received missions from him.  I was a bit of an 'honorary Killjoy' in his opinion, and we certainly had our differences.  He felt that I needed to be apart of a team, and I of course was having no part of that.  Dr. D also was convinced that I was a rebellious girl (which I'm not denying) who had no common sense.  Yeah, I had a few reckless missions in the past, which resulted in Blood Beam having to mend my broken body on more than one occasion, but I killed tons of dracs in the process, so there wasn't any harm in my opinion.  So, we didn't see eye to eye on many things, but tried to maintain a working professional and civil relationship.         

        Party must've sensed the tension in the air and sent me a glance that said we'll talk later. 

        "So," Dr. Death-Defying begins, "that raid you guys went on, how did it go?  And how did Toxic Torrent end up with you?"

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