Chapter 18

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Song to listen to while reading: The Only Exception by Paramore

"Toxic!" I heard Ghoul's excited voice yell. "I have something for you!"

I heaved a sigh and walked over to the garage where he was standing. After yesterday's episode while shooting, the boys were constantly trying to show me different things, saying that it would 'help me remember.' Nothing worked, but they were determined.

"What is it, Ghoul?" I said in a happy tone. It seemed that was the only emotion I ever felt anymore. That, and confusion, of course.

"Your old motorcycle! You haven't really used it since you joined us, but I know you loved her!"

I slowly walked over to the garage with Ghoul to see a bright blue motorcycle. It was designed similarly to my ray gun, with a black biohazard symbol on the gas tank. What was with the old me and biohazard symbols? It was pretty weird.

"Go on, get on it!" Ghoul encouraged. "Maybe we can take it for a ride?"

I cautiously sat on the bike, and turned the key, revving the engine. Ghoul gave me a huge smile.

"I'll go get Kobra, I'm sure he'd love to go with you. I've always preferred the car to bikes."

A few minutes later, Kobra Kid strolled into the garage. "You're going to make me ride b**** aren't you?" he said with a sigh.

I silently nodded. This was my first time riding my bike. Or, that's what it seemed like, anyway. Although, Ghoul had told me I used to ride this all the time. Hopefully I still remembered how to drive it.

He heaved another sigh before climbing on the back seat, and sliding his arms around my waist. "Party's going to kill me," he muttered with a small laugh.

My body seemed to subconsciously remember exactly how to ride the bike, and it felt like an extension of myself. I skidded out of the garage, and sped straight on to Route Guano, and a feeling of what I can only describe euphoria flowed through me. This was better than the 'happiness' that I had felt.

Kobra's grip on me tightened as I shifted into a higher gear, going faster. "Are you sure you know what you're doing?" he yelled over the wind nervously.

I only laughed in response and did a sharp right turn, turning so sharply that we were grazed the ground, then righted the bike and braked.

"Does that answer your question?" I exclaimed, turning to face him.

"Woah, Toxic, you're smiling!"

"Uh, yeah, I guess I am."

"How are you feeling?"

"Happy. But not the usual happy. This is... exciting... Right."

"Then keep driving. I'm 100% willing to take the ridicule of riding b**** if it helps you. For sure. Keep going."

So I drove. And I kept driving until the bike alerted me that I was almost out of fuel. I cruised back to the diner, feeling exhilarated and normal for the first time in what felt like years.

There was fire everywhere. Smoke filled my lungs as I ran through the streets, desperately trying to escape the white-clad men chasing after us. We just need to get beyond the gate. I thought, looking over to my little sister who was struggling to keep up with me.

"C'mon Lily!" I encouraged, squeezing her hand. "We're almost there, we can do it." Silent tears streamed down her face as she nodded. A wave of sadness overcame me. She was too young to have gone through everything that we had. Too innocent.

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