Chapter 15

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Song to listen to while reading: I Don't Love You by My Chemical Romance

Party Poison's POV:

I carried Toxic Torrent into the diner, and placed her on her unmade bed. She looked calm and peaceful in sleep-the exact opposite of what I felt. We carefully changed her out of the BL/ind clothes she was wearing and dressed her in her usual, bright, Killjoy outfit. The less reminder of that hellhole she had been trapped in, the better.

Jet-Star advised us all to leave her alone as she slept off the sedatives she had been given, and I reluctantly agreed.

One long day later, I was told that she had woken up. Jet insisted that he, being our unofficial doctor of sorts, be the first to see her, despite my strongly worded protests against it. I had been without my girlfriend for well over a month, I felt I deserved to see her first. Jet won the argument, however, and I was left to wait anxiously outside her bedroom door.

After what felt like an eternity of me pacing back and forth in from of the door, straining to hear what was going on inside, Jet came out of Toxic's bedroom, a confused look on his face. "I'm going in. I'll see you guys later," I said, and rushed into her room.

"Party! She's not how she used-" Jet started to call after me, but I paid no attention. Toxic Torrent was in there, alive and waiting for me.

I entered the room slowly to find her sitting on the edge of her bed, looking as if she'd just woken up. Her eyes were vacant as she looked at nothing across the room. "Toxic!" I said, and ran over to her, engulfing her in my arms. "You scared me! Oh, my gosh. Don't ever do that to me again, it was torture having you trapped in there. But it's okay now, you're back with us now. You're safe," I blurted out in a heated rush while cradling her in my arms, gently stroking her knotted hair.

She said nothing, and let me hold her. I pulled back and crashed my lips to hers. It had been too long since I felt the sensation of her lips upon mine.

It takes me a second to realize that she's not kissing me back. She's simply sitting motionless as I kiss her. I pulled back, searching her eyes. "Toxic, are you okay?"

She cocked her head to the side and looked at me curiously. "Who are you?" She asked in a timid voice that is so unlike her. What happened to the confident, snarky girl I knew?

Then the reality of her words hits me. Who are you? She didn't remember me? How could she not know who I am? How could she forget me? I force myself to calm down and take a deep breath. She's been tortured for months, and just woke up in her old room, she's probably extremely confused. Or she's joking with me and I'm seriously overreacting. Knowing her, it's most likely the latter, and I'm getting myself worked up over nothing. I did tend to overreact.

"Toxic? That's not funny. It's me." I try.

"I'm sorry. I have no idea who you are," she said, and her eyes back it up. There is no spark of recognition. She truly has no idea who I am.

I take a deep breath. She wasn't joking. Something is wrong with her. "Toxic, I think you're confused. You're a Killjoy, and apart of the Fabulous Five. You were kidnapped by Korse and missing for over a month. Do you remember anything?"

"No, but it's nice to meet you. I'm..." she stops for a second, thinking. "Toxic Torrent? I think?"

It's worse than I thought, she can barely remember herself. And her voice is in a calm monotone, her eyes vacant. BL/ind did something to her. I tell her I'll be right back, and walk out the door, my breathing shaky and uneven.

"What the hell?" I scream as soon as I am in the diner and out of Toxic's hearing range. "What happened to her? She can't remember anything!"

"I think that BL/ind gave her happy pills," Jet said quietly. "Vacant eyes, memory loss, barely any emotions, she has all the signs."

I slam my fist hard against the table, making their cold cups of coffee shake. "Happy pills? You've got to be kidding me! I'm going to kill Korse!"

"How long do they take to wear off?" Ghoul asked.

"A few months. But it's going to be a long process," Jet explained. None of us knew how he knew so much about medical processes and the pills. We didn't talk about our lives before the Helium Wars. "She'll be really confused for a while, she'll have horrible nightmares, maybe be in pain. I can't tell for sure."

I heaved a sigh. I knew we should've gotten her as soon as we regrouped. I knew it wasn't safe for her in there.

"That's why it was so easy!" Kobra exclaimed, and I give him a questioning glance. "They did want us to take her. Remember when we found the warehouse with pictures? When Toxic first joined us. They must've been figuring out our weaknesses, and found that you two were together. As the leader of the Killjoys, they figured out she was your weakness, Party. They did this is get to you, to try and wear you down."

"It makes sense," Ghoul notes, and I nod. No wonder it was so easy to break her out.

For some reason, this infuriates me even more. She was taken in order to get to me. But I unfortunately couldn't dwell on making battle plans to attack Battery City at the moment. Right now, my biggest concern was to get Toxic back to normal.

"How do we help her?" I asked.

"Right now, the only thing we can do is try and jog her memory. Anything that'll bring back even a spark of a memory should help," Silver Shock replied. "Maybe we should send Party in there again. It could be like in those cheesy movies!"

I glared at her. "Already tried that," I said quietly, not wanting to announce that my kisses did the exact opposite of help. "It didn't work out too well."

"Oh," Silver voiced. "I guess we'll need a, um, different tactic."

"What if we start simple?" Kobra suggested. "Introduce ourselves to her again, start reteaching her how to shoot her ray gun, stuff like that. Maybe it will start to help her remember?" I nodded, liking the idea.

"But what about the other symptoms?" Ghoul asked. "When she's going through the withdrawals of the pills."

"We'll deal with those as they happen," Jet said, and we all agreed.

We would get our Toxic Torrent back, no matter what.

BL/ind was playing a dangerous game, and I was determined to win.

A/N: Hello! You all probably hate me by now. Today's song is *insert really rad drum roll* I Don't Love You by My Chemical Romance! So listen to it if you've never heard it-it's one of my favorites.

Anyway, thanks for reading, you are all amazing!


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