Chapter 24

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Song to listen to while reading: Drown by Bring Me the Horizon

There's an old legend that states that when something bad happens to your soulmate, you can feel it inside of you. I used to think that those legends were all crap made up by old wives in order to make themselves feel like they truly were in love or had some sort of special inhibition. But now, I can verify that it is true. As Party Poison fell to the ground, his bright red mess of hair falling forward as he clattered to the ground, something snapped inside of me. The greatest pain I had ever felt in my life shot through my body as I screamed. My heart fell and nothing felt real.

Blood surrounded his body, sticking to his clothes and staining his previously blue Dead Pegasus jacket. His body and limbs were bent at unnatural and twisted angles, and I forced myself to look away.

I saw red. Everything in my field of vision had a reddish tint as I pulled my ray gun out of my holster and cocked it. I would avenge Party. They took him from me, and I wasn't going to let that go without punishment.

Rage boiled up inside of me as I shot everything in sight. Draculoids and S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W fell to the floor with a thump as I mindlessly shot everything in sight. I realized that I no longer had any regard for my own life. Without Party Poison, I was nothing. Maybe I was being a bit overdramatic, I will admit it. But Party was the person who brought me out of my shell, who taught me how to live, how it was okay to trust people. He taught me that it was okay to be who I was, and that I wasn't as much of an outsider as I thought I was. Look at how far that got us. One of us was dead, the other in a fury-filled rage out to avenge his death. I almost laughed. What a pair of misfits we were.

I got grazed a few times by some wayward carbons, but barely registered the fact that I was bleeding. I felt no pain because I could no longer feel. I was too calm. Everything was clear and in slow motion. I felt like I was watching my life on a screen. I was so detached from the world that nothing felt real anymore.

I cocked and pulled the trigger of my bright ray gun, only to find that it wouldn't fire. I hurriedly checked my pockets to find more carbons to reload and cursed under my breath. I was completely out of ammo, and was now screwed. I swore again, and realized that Party would still have some left on him. I didn't want to do it, but what other choice did I have?

Hastily, I ran over to his body, and gave an audible gasp, all thought of ammo and war was now behind me. There were only a few dracs left, the boys would be able to get them.

I knelt down to his level, almost sitting in a pool of his blood. I ran my fingers through his fiery red hair, which was now stuck to his forehead, blending in with his vermillion blood. I fumbled as I reached for his hand, squeezing it until my knuckles turned white. He was freezing cold, so unlike the warm embraces he used to give me. His eyes were closed, and I could almost trick myself into believing that he was simply sleeping. But he was deathly pale, and looked like a ghost. This wasn't him, it was just a shell.

Tears threatened to spill out of my eyes as I whispered, "Party Poison! I'm so, so sorry. This is all my fault. Please don't leave me, I need you,"

I laid my head down on his torso, sobbing madly, when I heard it. A faint thumping, barely there, and coming at irregular beat from inside his chest. His chest slightly lifted every now and then, softly, as if he were barely hanging on.

"Party!" I screamed. "Stay with me! Please! I know you can do it! Please, please hang on... For me..."

The beating of his heart became more infrequent and as I pressed my fingers to his wrist, his pulse fainter and fainter. He was practically gone, but I wouldn't allow myself to believe it.

Detonators (Gerard Way/Party Poison)Where stories live. Discover now