Chapter 27

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Song to Listen To While Reading: Jet Black Heart by 5 Seconds of Summer (I know some of you don't like them, but I feel the song really fits the chapter-and this is an amazing song)

"Party Poison?" I gasped, feeling sick.  This couldn't be right.  This wasn't him. It couldn't be.

"Hey, Toxic," he said sheepishly.

"Get out of here!" I yelled, feeling a mental breakdown coming on.  His face fell immediately, as if I had just hit him with a ton of bricks.  He looked so crestfallen, a devastated look in his eyes that I could never forget.  "Get out of my head!" I screamed before falling on the floor, feeling like the weight of the world was falling on top of me. 

This was the most realistic my hallucinations had ever been.  His hazel eyes were the same exact shade as they had been, his hair the same firetruck red. Everything was so exact, and he looked so real.  

"Party Poison, go outside.  She needs some time," Ghoul said, rushing over to me.

"What do you mean?  What's wrong with her?  I can help!" he objected, and his voice sounded so musical, so broken, so him.

"No, you really can't.  Just... go outside.  I'll grab you in a few minutes." Kobra told his brother.

Party Poison, or my imagined version of him, went outside, looking defeated.

"What's wrong with me?" I asked shakily, looking at my two best friends' concerned faces.  "I thought I was done.  I wasn't supposed to be seeing him, they got more infrequent..." I rambled.

Kobra engulfed me in his arms, his head resting on top of mine. "Toxic, calm down.  You're okay, you're okay.  I've got you."  He comforted me like a child.  Normally I would've cussed him out, but I was so shaken up that I let him. 

Eventually I calmed down enough to start reasonably talking.  "He was so real this time. I thought I'd be over this!  It's been three months!"

The boys shared a worried glance with each other before I saw Kobra Kid give Ghoul a small nod.

"Toxic," Fun Ghoul started.  "Party Poison's not dead.  You didn't imagine him just now. We found him in Battery City.  He's alive."

"No he's not!" I screamed.  "I'm insane, I'm freaking insane.  And now I'm imagining both of you.  Why don't you just shoot me already?"

"Toxic Torrent, listen to me," Kobra commanded.  "You know how I am.  Would I ever lie to you?" I slowly shook my head.  If there was one thing that Kobra Kid was, it was brutally honest.  "Ghoul and I went to Bat City.  We found Party Poison.  It's a long story, and we'll explain later, okay?  But that was him.  He's real this time.  He's alive."

And then Kobra did something that I hand't see him do in months.  He smiled.  A real smile.  Not just a tight-lipped smirk to put on a brave front for me. 

And that's when I let myself believe that this was truly real, and that Party Poison had miraculously come back from the dead somehow. This wasn't my imagination.  Because Kobra Kid never smiled unless something truly amazing happened.  Finding out his brother was alive must have been pretty amazing.

"He's alive," I repeated slowly, and he nodded his head.  "How?"

"It's a long story, and I think it's better if he explained it.  Do you want to see him?"

I was unsure.  Was I ready to see the boy I loved, whom I though had been dead for months?  I didn't know.

"You can do it," Fun Ghoul encouraged, and I gave him a small smile.  "I'll go get him."

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