Chapter 13

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Party Poison's POV:

The plan was fairly simple. We would drive to edge of Battery City in the trans-am. Then, Kobra Kid and Jet would set off a small explosion, in order to distract the dracs. While they did that and the dracs were away, Ghoul and I would sneak into BL headquarters, where Toxic was most likely being kept. It was the most highly secured place in the city, so it would only be natural she was there. Kobra and Jet would meet us there, and we would break in, find Toxic, and break her out.

Then we would come home, and everything would be shiny.

We had made the plan as soon as I had agreed that we actually needed one, and that we couldn't just storm in there, even though I still think that I'd be able to get her out that way. With the amount of love I have for her, and the amount of hatred I have for Better Living, I'm pretty sure my adrenaline would allow me to do anything.

I was assured that we would leave in the morning, and woke up early. I walked into the diner and laced up my boots as the others were eating cans of PowerPup.

"Are you guys almost ready? It's at least a four hour drive to Bat City from here, and that's if we speed more than usual. I want Toxic out of there as soon as possible."

"Uh, Party?" Silver Shock started, looking up at me from her lap with a soft expression. I nodded at her, prompting her to continue. "We were thinking, and we think we should wait before we go break her out. It's not that we want her in there; trust me, we want her back as much as you do. But they're expecting us, and they will be for a while. They're going to have dracs and S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W flooding the place, and it won't be safe for us or her if we go in yet. We need to convince Korse that we've left her so that they lower security. And if we have a failed attempt, I can't imagine what they'd do to her."

"I don't want her in there either, Poison." Kobra spoke up. "But Sil is right, if we try to break her out now, it's not going to work."

"You've got to be kidding me!" I shouted. "After everything Toxic has done for us? She could've left in that fight, you know? She knew we were outnumbered, and she had plenty of chances to run. But she stayed and she saved all of our butts twice over! What happened to helping every Killjoy? What happened to us being a team? Because this isn't right. I won't leave her there. I'll go in and save her by myself if I have to."

"No, you won't." Fun Ghoul voiced. "Do you think Toxic Torrent would want you to go in there and kill yourself for her? Hell, she probably doesn't want us coming after her in the first place! This is best. They'll keep her alive. They need to in order to get to you, and you're falling right in to their trap!"

"I don't care! Not if it means that she gets out completely unscathed."

I wasn't allowed to be alone after that.

They were afraid I would run off the Battery City on a suicide mission for her. If it weren't for my friends, I probably would. It was agreed on (by them, not me) that we would get Toxic Torrent out of Better Living Industries in three weeks. I felt it was way too long, but eventually understood where they were coming from. I sure as hell didn't agree with it though.

Finally, I had convinced the boys to let me go into Zone 3, however. I wanted to send a letter to Toxic. There was "mailbox" of sorts out in Zone 3, used to send letters to dead or lost loved ones. It was rumored that a "witch" would read the letters and then let the loved ones know you missed them. In turn, they would watch over you, or be protected by the witch. I had never really believed in superstitions like this, but I found myself needing a little bit of comfort. I had hope that she was still alive, but I just wanted to be able to say goodbye if needed. Maybe I was being overdramatic about the whole thing, but at this point, I really didn't care.

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