Chapter 2

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        The next morning I'm up bright and early and heat up a can of Power Pup over a makeshift fire. It's easily the most disgusting thing I've ever tasted in my life, but years of experience have taught me to deal with the taste. I eat it quickly to get it over with.
        When I'm finished, I head over to one of the small stores that the Killjoys have started up to get a new battery for my motorcycle. It was getting old and I didn't want it to die on me when I needed it most.
        I walk through the glass door, and the small bell rings, indicating my arrival to the owner. A girl named Silver Shock runs the shop, and she's easily one of the friendliest Killjoys in the zones. I don't understand how she's always so happy and optimistic. It's a bit frightening actually. She has dirty blonde hair with silver streaks throughout it, hence her name.
        "Hey Toxic! How are ya?"
        "I'm fine thanks. And you?"
        "I've been great! What do you need?"
        "A new battery for the bike, it's getting old and I'm afraid it's gonna die on me." I explain.
        She leads me down an aisle filled with batteries, and makes a really bad pun about how they're from Battery City. I pretend to laugh and buy what I need, off to hopefully do something productive.
        I drive down the road towards Zone 2, where Silver had told me some excitement was going on. I take a sharp left into the zone, and notice an old warehouse.
        There's nothing out of the ordinary about it, save for the fact that there's a TV on in the window. There shouldn't be enough power out in the middle of nowhere like this for a TV. And who in their right mind would turn one on? All that ever plays is the news from Battery City. So basically, the drugged up newscaster saying that the weather will be comfortable while we all die of heat stroke out here in the desert.
        I pull over, now curious. I walk closer, and find that all that is on the screen is the black and white BL/ind logo. Something here isn't right.
        By now, I'm a bit concerned. If there's a bunch of dracs out here, I won't be able to handle them on my own. Yeah, I know I'm a great shot, and can definitely win an outnumbered fight, but it seems as if the dracs are coming into the zones with more numbers, and dying is not on my to-do list.
        My idea to go help out in Zone 2 is suddenly forgotten. They can manage without me. "Hi. There's a BL logo on a screen in Zone 2. I'm not sure how many dracs, and I need some backup." I radio in to Dr. Death.
        "No problem, I'll send out some Killjoys right now." He responds.
        Within minutes, I hear Dr. D broadcasting my request, and know that backup will be here soon. I relax slightly. My chances of dying today have now gone down. And while dying certainly isn't on my agenda, if I do, at least it will be against BL. It will mean something.
        Soon enough, I hear the telltale sound of an old engine on the road. I turn around, my mask on, to see the vintage trans-am headed my way.
I curse under my breath. You've got to be kidding me. My backup is the fabulous four.

        "One time thing, you said?" Party laughs as he gets out of the driver's seat. "You just can't resist my charm, can you, Toxic?"
        I roll my eyes before debriefing them on the current situation. "Trust me Party, I didn't radio in for you. I wouldn't of radioed in at all if I didn't have to."
        "Woah there, calm down!" He smirks and I roll my eyes.
        "Well, let's go kill some dracs!" Ghoul yells, changing the subject. He seems like the optimistic one of the group.
        But I am glad that it's them. Now that I've seen how they work in combat, I feel better. They don't mess around.
        Jet kicks down the warehouse door, and the five of us file in. Immediately, we are met with a small group of dracs. Party and Kobra shoot them down while the rest of us head further into the building, finding even more dracs. Party and I go back to back yet again, and the five of us use the same method that we did yesterday. I'm caught up in the thrill of battle, and I can barely register the fact that we've finished killing the dracs.
        It's not that I enjoy killing them, in fact I hate death. I enjoy the fact that we're one step closer to defeating BL/ind, and that these people are trying to hurt us, so I think of it as a weird form of self-defense.
        The boys start to pile the bodies, a task that I sit out of. The sight of dead bodies reminds me too much of the past, and it's hard for me to pile bodies. Not that I don't have to do it on an almost daily basis, I just try to avoid it whenever possible. I take a look around the warehouse. It's mainly empty, except for a lone desk in the middle. I walk over to it, and find pictures of Killjoys, with names on them.
        "Party!" I yell. "Come look at this!"
        He runs over to me, a worried look on his face. "What? Are you ok?"
        I laugh. "I'm fine, but look at these," I say, holding out the pictures.
        We look through them, finding many familiar faces. There's a picture of Silver, a girl named Cyclone that I know, and finally, a picture of the Fabulous Four and I.
        "What is this?" Party whispers.
        "I have no idea. It looks like BL/ind is trying to figure out more about us. Maybe so they can bring us in?"
        "I don't like this at all. If they're trying to keep tabs on us, they'll know our weaknesses."
        I take a deep breath and look at him. "Well we'll just have to stop that from happening, won't we?"
        He nods solemnly. "Hey, why don't you come back to our camp? I know you're kind of against the whole friendship thing, but now that I know what BL/ind is doing, I'd feel better if you were with us."
        "Because I can't protect myself?" I say defensively. I don't like him questioning my abilities. I can protect myself, I've been doing it for years. I don't need his or anyone else's approval. And I certainly don't need any friends. I've learned not to make any.
        "No! I know perfectly well that you can; I've seen you fight. I just don't want you to be alone out here now that I know what BL is doing. It's not safe."
        I contemplate his offer. It's tempting. A group of five of us would provide more than enough protection, and they obviously must have a stable base. They seem trustworthy enough. If they wanted to hurt me, they already would've. 
        The only thing that's stopping me is the fact that I would get attached to them. But in a way, I already am. I can already feel myself starting to trust Party Poison. A little voice in the back of my head is screaming at me to not get involved at all and continue living life on my own.  But my gut is telling me to go with them, even if I am trusting too easily.  If I don't go, I could be missing out on actual people I can trust, actual friends, a team.
        "I'll let you drive the trans-am" he offers, and my mind is made up.
        "Really? Cool!" He says excitedly, a huge smile on his face. And I can't help to notice that it makes him look good.

A/N: Hey guys! So the story is starting to unfold a little bit, and I really hope you're enjoying reading this as much as I have writing it! 

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