Chapter 5

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        I awake to the warmth of the rising sun on my face, and wrapped in Party Poison's arms.
        He's still asleep, a peaceful expression on his face, making him look much younger and more innocent. Now I realize what people mean when they say that people look younger in their sleep. Party physically doesn't look younger, but he looks like a weight has been lifted off of him. In sleep, he isn't stressed or worried or thinking if he'll get to live another day.
        It takes me a second to realize that we're still on the roof of the diner, and last night's conversations flood my head. We must've fell asleep in each other's arms while talking. Everything's out on the table now. But I know he won't leave me.
        A few minutes later, Party starts to stir and wake up. "Did we really fall asleep up here?" He asks. "It's a miracle we didn't fall off," He's right, we were dangerously close to the edge of the roof. "C'mon, the boys will be wondering where we've been."
        Party grabs my hand and pulls me down the ladder into the diner. Inside the boys are already sitting in a booth with a map, planning today's adventure.
        At the sound of our arrival, they look up, and Party and I immediately drop our hands. Apparently it's too late. "Oh, so that's where you guys were!" Kobra exclaims, giving his brother a wink.
        "No! You guys have it all wrong!" I explain. "We were just talking outside and lost track of time!" No way I was having them think Party and I were a thing.
        But would that be a bad thing? Party and I are already pretty close, and last night... Oh! I had forgotten about last night! When he had admitted he would've been jealous if Blood Beam and I had been a couple, and I had gotten that weird butterfly feeling in my stomach.
        No. Stop. I can't do this. I can't let myself get too attached. Friendship is one thing. But a relationship? One more thing BL/ind can use against us.
        Thankfully, Ghoul's voice snaps me back to reality. "We were thinking about just doing a sweep of the zones today. And Jet wanted to stop by Silver's place to get a few supplies to rewire a radio. You guys in?"
        "Duh. When do we leave?"
        10 minutes later the five of us pile into the trans-am, masks on, and I had miraculously convinced them to let me drive again.
        We head to Silver Shock's shop, blasting the radio and singing along to Missile Kid. Our base is in Zone 6, the farthest away from Battery City, and the shop is in Zone 5, so it doesn't take too long to get to Silver's.
        The sound of a tinkling bell indicates our arrival, and Silver Shock steps out of the back room, her hair tied up in an extremely messy bun. "Hi! What can I help you- Jet!"
        She runs over to Jet and gives him a kiss. Huh, I would've never expected them to be a couple, but they seem really cute together. They interlock their hands and begin talking about whatever couples talk about as Party whispers to me that we should leave.
        We step out of the store and walk towards the car.
        "It'll be awhile. Jet probably doesn't even need anything to rewire that old radio, he just likes to have an excuse to see Sil," Kobra explains to me.
        "Oh. They're cute together," I say.
        "Disgustingly. All they ever do is make lovey eyes at each other and kiss. It's pretty sickening." Ghoul mentions as Party gags.
        "Oh c'mon guys! They're adorable." I cajole, but they won't have any part of it.
        The shop bell rings as Silver steps out, an annoyed looking Jet Star behind her.
        "Mind if I accompany you guys on your journey today?" She asks.
        "Yeah, no problem. As long as you and Jet aren't disgustingly cute all day," Party replies.
        "For the last time Sil, I don't want you coming with us! I don't want you getting hurt!" Jet protests.
        "Listen, I appreciate your concern Jet, but I'm a Killjoy. You can't expect me to just sit around all day waiting for the dracs! I can defend myself, and I'm good at it too," she argues.
        "Jet," Kobra says, "just let it go. She can come, and she sure is a good shot. She can help us."
        "Finally!" Silver yells as she climbs into the back seat. "Now, where are we headed?"

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