Chapter 10

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Two weeks later, Jet had finally deemed Party Poison well enough to start training again, much to his (and my own) relief. As his unofficial caretaker, I had learned just how annoying he could be, although he did it mainly to annoy me.

But he was finally healthy enough to go back out on missions, and he was more than excited.

So I woke up to somebody shaking me and yelling, "Come on, Toxic! We're going to kill some dracs!"

"What?" I asked groggily. Party was practically jumping on my bed, his bright red hair bouncing up and down. He looked like a kid in Christmas morning. It was quite comical.

"Party," I started. "What time is it?"

"Um, I don't really know. I think it's like seven or something."

It was fairly early for me, but I got up and got ready to go out. The other boys sat at a booth in the diner, looking just as tired as I felt. But none of us said anything, we all knew how badly Party had wanted to start fighting again. He had felt useless these past few weeks and it was killing him.

"Are you sure you're ready to go back out?" Ghoul asked Party as we loaded up the trans-am.

"I'm sure. I can do this."

"If you say so," Ghoul complied, getting in the car.

I hopped in the driver's seat, since I had insisted that I always drive, and Party took shotgun.

"Where are we headed?" I questioned.

"Zone 1. There was a call for some backup, and it's always crawling with dracs."

It was true. Since it was the closest to Battery City, it was always filled with dracs looking for some action. Not my favorite place to be, obviously, because it was easy to end up in an extremely outnumbered fight. It was also where Blood Beam abandoned me.

But I didn't say anything, and kept driving. I could sense the uneasiness of the others as well, but nobody said anything, and I wasn't about to ruin this for Party.

We stopped to pick up Silver Shock, and then headed into Zone 1, the trans-am leaving a trail of dust behind us in the desolate desert. The Sun beat down on us as we exited the car and made our way towards the edge of the zone, right next to the gate surrounding and enclosing Battery City and all of the poor people inside of it.

We stepped outside with our guns outstretched, doing a quick sweep of our area before we began to trek on foot.

I was back to back with Silver. The more I watched her fight, the more I liked her style. It was smooth and elegant, but still had the edge of unpredictability to it. She was a good shot too.

We were taking down the dracs quickly now, the beams from our ray guns splashing color against the colorless desert.

But then I notice that Party is fighting alone. He can't be alone, his wounds are still healing. And while I realize he is the leader of the Killjoys, and a fantastic fighter, he's not invincible.

"I'll be back!" I shout to Silver over the roar of battle as I leave her and run to Party Poison, adrenaline pumping through my veins as I dodge the multiple shots coming in my direction.

I go back to back with Party in our usual stance. Over the past few months, we have learned each other's methods of fighting, and how to compliment each other. The dracs are coming in bigger waves now, and more of their standard white cars are pulling up to the battle.

"Duck!" Party yells, but I don't fall to the ground fast enough, and a searing pain goes through my body. The pain is white-hot, and before I can comprehend what's happening, I fall unconscious.

I awake to find myself laying on the ground, surrounded by a circle of white masked dracs. Great, just my luck, I think before I am picked up by the tallest drac.

I try to fight back, but am instantly reminded of my bullet wound. The pain shoots through me like lightning, and I have no choice but to stay motionless.

"Why her?" One of the other dracs asks.

"As if I would know," the one carrying me responds. "Boss's orders."

I try to look around for Party and the rest of my friends, and find them all laying unconscious off to the side of where we had fought. I struggle to say something to alert them of the dracs, but my voice won't work, and I am stuck trying, and failing, to let them know of the situation.

"Crap, she's up," the drac holding me says. "We've got to go, now."

"And we can't kill the others? This is unfair," another voices as I begin to be carried to one of the hideous white cars.

"Don't look at me!" Another yells. "Boss's orders. Don't question it."

By this time I can start to see that one of the boys is starting to wake up. He stirs, and I can see the boy in the blue leather jacket start to sit up. Party Poison looks at me, fear and confusion in his eyes. He opens his mouth to yell for me, but I mouth to him Don't! I'll be fine, get out of here! I can tell that he understands, but starts to stand up anyway. No! I mouth, pleading with my eyes. I cannot let anyone get hurt because of me.

I pray that they won't come after me. I can get myself out of this mess by myself. They don't need to get involved in this. It was my own stupid mistake that got me into this, and I was going to get myself out.

Party looks at me, and mouths I love you. I say it back, and I know that he understands he can't come after me yet. Hopefully he won't at all. I love him too much for him to get hurt because of me.

"Knock her out. She's already hurt. She'll slow us down," A drac says, and there is a searing pain in the back of my head as I am hit with the butt of a gun and am engulfed in darkness.

A/N: I'm sorry this is so late! I've been super busy, but hopefully this is an ok update and will make up for it! I've really loved seeing that you guys are enjoying the story, and I GOT OVER 700 READS AND I'M FREAKING OUT! Thank you for continuing to read this! Oh, and the song of the day is 21 Guns by Green Day.


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