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We take our seats near a large group of teenagers. Sapnap sat on my left side while Jake took the right, leaving me in the middle. During the first few minutes no one said a word. This is so awkward. I twiddle my thumbs nervously. "Hey um Karl what would you like?" Jake asked me. My eyes wander to his and I reply,"I would like a vanilla cappuccino." Sapnap and Jake start to stand up both at the same time. They glare at each other. "Hey don't worry man I got it," Sapnap reassures. "Nah I got it," Jake responds clearly annoyed.  I raise to my feet and suggest,"Why don't I go get our drinks?" They both stare blankly at me, and take a seat. I turn around but stop dead in my tracks. I haven't even asked Jake what he wanted! "Jake,what would you like?" I question him, turning around. His head perks up and gives me a large smile. "Well besides you, I would want what you're having." I blush and turn back around.

After I get back to the table, Sapnap is smirking but Jake is frowning. "How did you know what he wanted without asking him?" Jake asked, holding a finger out at Sap. "We facetime and call a lot while he is inside restaurants or cafes so when he orders he mutes me but I can still hear his order. He always says the same thing," I reply quickly. Jake lets out a loud sigh and plays on his phone. Sapnap puts his hand on top of mine and moves his head closer. "What are you doing after this date?" He asks. I shudder and explain,"I will be going to a carnival." His eyes shine and he nods his head. "Hello sir I am here to give you three vanilla cappuccinos'," a woman says,coming up to our table. I pay her and thank her. "His order happens to be the same as our orders," Jake states. Me and Sap nod our heads at the same time. We look at each other and laugh.

Jake holds my hand as we make our way to the carnival. His hands so warm. My face grows hot. "Hey babe, look over here," Sap says while taking my hand. He leads me over to the restrooms and stands in front of me with his arms crossed. "Why are you letting him touch you?" He questions me. "Why is it to your concern?" I fire back at him. He rests his back against a wall and stares at me hopelessly. "You're right I shouldn't. Uh sorry," Sap apologies and makes his way over to Jake. Why do I feel guilty? I follow behind Sapnap,playing with my hands. Jake doesn't ask any questions and just takes my hand again. It didn't feel like Sapnap's. Jake's hand was like a friend who's trying to cheer you up, but Sap's hand is like a rainbow at the end of a rainy day. Perfect.

I'm back!! I hope I wasn't gone for too sure does feel like it. I will try to write longer chapters for now on. Anyways I hope that you have a good day and night!

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