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We're going back to Karl's Pov...

It's only been two days since I've last seen Sapnap and he's already back, looking like he didn't get any sleep. "Uh come in," I invite, while trying to keep a sympathetic voice. His proposal obviously went wrong. He comes inside and looks around. As if his mind can't comprehend where he is. I led him to my couch and pray to the honkness god he'll cooperate with me. "Tell me about-," I start but he cuts me off. "She said that we were only friends and she never loved me and I looked like a complete fool! She didn't even let me stay the night at her house!! I mean, does she not trust me enough to sleep on her couch or something?" Sap rants. Tears start forming in his eyes. "I had to go through robbery to get to her! And for nothing. There was nothing there for me. I thought if she rejected me then I would at least come back with a girlfriend but no! I came back with nothing! Just a broken heart!" He continues. I go in for a hug and he pulls me in tight. "Karl, why doesn't no one love me?" That's not true. He fails to see the other people. Like his fans, like his friends, like me. "A lot of people admire you Sapnap! You don't know how much effect you have on them. How much you have changed their life for the better! You have showed me what true friendship was. You have showed your fans yourself. And they love you for that! There is always going to be someone here that looks up to you, because you are you. Being your own self teaches the world to love who they are. We don't have that many people on Earth, so we have to appreciate the people that we do have. Like you," I state. He pulls away from our hug and smiles. "Thank you, Karl." He ruffles my hair, while giggling. I smile and look up into his eyes. Beautiful brown eyes. "Hey, you wanna watch a movie or something?" he asks, snapping me out my daze. I nod and let him pick. He stops at "Romeo and Juliet". "I saw this on the plane and it reminded me of you," he laughs. "Then let's watch it again," I suggest. "Are you serious because I'm down to watch it but you don't have to watch it if you don't want to." "Just turn the movie on."  He does as I say and we get into a comfortable position. I have my head in his lap as he's in a slouching position. "We should do this more often," he giggles.

"Wake up sleepy head," I whisper in Nick's ear. He slept here and hasn't woken up yet. It's 2:pm. He rolls over and groans," Just five more minutes. I promise." Yeah, that's what everyone says. "Come on just get up please," I plead. I'm practically begging on my knees right now. He sits up, stretching his hands up, whilst yawning. "Let's get moving."

"Karl, help my head's spinning around!" Intoxicated Sappy yells. Tonight we are celebrating his acceptance for self love. "Oh my honk, please don't throw up," I whimper. Turns out he took too many shots and is in boss mode now. "Karl, I have a little secret," he says," Swear you won't tell anyone." I raise my hand in oath and agree. He comes to my ear and whispers," I have a little crush." I'm shocked to hear this news after his failed proposal, but even more shocked to see that he moved on so fast! "Who?"

Author's note-I understand if this chapter seems kind of rushed. I was afraid that I had took a long time to update again and I'm super tired. Appreciate you guys! Bye, Night Owls💕!

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