The Cabin

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Whoever thought the Slenderman would send two unruly best friends out into a cabin for ‘team building’ and whoever thought that those two best friends would be the infamous Jeff the killer and Ben drowned. Well, you guessed it, Jeff was glaring at the smaller elf as he dragged both his bags and Bens bags across the ground into the cabin.
“God damn it, Ben. You could have just teleported us into the cabin with these you know,” he grumbled as he dropped the bags to the floor hearing a satisfying crash.
“Oh ya I know, I just like watching you struggle, Jeff” he teases, giggling a bit. The pale male glared back at the elf before laughing sarcastically
“Fuck you man”
“I know you would”
“Shut up”
“Make me”
“I win” Ben giggles again plopping himself down on a couch not too far away
“So How long did slender say we had to be here?”
“Like a week or two I don't know ” jeff responded deciding to drag their bags into the bedroom they’d be sharing.
“Fun” the elf muttered.
As he walked in, he only saw one pretty small bed, the room overall was nice though. Jeff glanced at the bed again after putting the bags down, blushing a bit. He knew Ben would want the bed, and so would they’d have to share...damn.
“BEN! Get your lazy ass in here for a second” Jeff yelled. A few moments later the elf came in holding a bag of chips and his phone, scrolling through Instagram most likely.
“What is it,” he asks still looking at his phone.
“There’s only one bed, so it’s either you sleep on the couch or...we share the bed,” Jeff replied. Ben flicked his red pupils up towards jeff then looked back down at his phone.
“Okay bet, I’m fine with that, we can share” his cheeks reddened slightly but he hid it with his blonde hair.
        As the hours passed Ben and Jeff’s boredom grew steadily, soon Ben smirked.
“I’ll be right back” he got off the couch and walked into the bedroom, he emerged not too long after holding his Nintendo switch.
“Look what I got”
“Holy fuck I thought slender said we couldn’t bring videogames,” Jeff said with a slightly shocked look.
“I have my ways” replied the elf plopping down next to Jeff.
A couple more hours passed and it was around 1 in the morning. With a yawn, Jeff lays back against the couch arm.
“I think imma hit the hay” he states looking towards the elf whose eyelids were drooping considerably more than usual.
“I’ll come in later, I have to beat this round of super smash,” the elf says mashing the buttons to the switch. Jeff nodded then got up strolling into the bedroom, he discarded his hoodie and black shirt, leaving his torso exposed, then grabbed his eye mask from the table next to the small bed.
“Can’t forget this” he chuckled to himself climbing in bed and crawling under the thin covers, he pulled the eye mask on and eventually fell asleep to the sound of Ben raging slightly to the game.
        As Ben grew more tired, he finally decided to turn the switch off after beating sonic.
“Fucking loser,” he said with a smirk. After putting the game on the coffee table in front of him. He silently walked into the bedroom hearing Jeff snore quietly
“Aw..” he mumbles as he goes climbing in bed as well. As he lifted the covers his face broke out in a blush, the slightly older male was shirtless. And DAMN was he ripped. Ben bit his lip slightly.
“Woah..” he mutters climbing next to the male. He laid there awkwardly for a moment before relaxing his muscles. He shook slightly, he’s never really been like this next to Jeff before, their arms were touching...God, he wanted to just be held by him...’ what the fuck am I thinking?! god I’m so gay’ the elf thought tearing his eye’s away from the sleeping form of Jeff. ‘but...It wouldn’t hurt if I “accidentally” cuddled him right??’ the smaller male thought with a smirk. He wrapped his arm around Jeff, slowly, like he was sleeping, he heard him grumble in his sleep and Ben stopped, heart, pounding against his chest until the taller male quieted. He kept his arm on Jeff's chest, his hand relaxing as he fell asleep.

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