Friday night on the to- er woods

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AN- does anyone want to see me make a sequel of this once I'm done? But when they get back to the mansion?

Once friday night rolls around Ben and Jeff are both absolutely tired of staying in that god forsaken cabin in the middle of absolutely no where. So with that they had divised a plan to have a sleep over in a tent they set up pretty far from the cabin.

Ben pants throwing down some firewood, smacking a misqueto off his neck
"Jeffff the bugs are bothering me" he complains sitting down on a log the paler killer drug over.
"Once I get the fire started they should leave you alone. Okay?" Jeff replies ruffling the blonde males hair with a light chuckle. Ben huff's rolling his red irises playfully but with a hint of annoyance at the bugs.
Jeff grabs a fire starter he found in the cabin and pushes the wood together to create a small fire. Once he starts it he goes and checks on the tent he had out up earlier. It looked pretty good so he decide to spiff it up a bit, creating a small pallet of blankets and pillows in it. He also makes sure to make everything as comfortable as possible he knew Ben didn't exactly appreciate the outdoors as much as he did.
"Jeffy" Ben calls from the log next to the fire
"When can we go in the tent and cuddle?" He replies shifting to look at Jeff, casting a dirty look off into the surrounding forest. "I don't like it out here"
Jeff shakes his head then says,
"Any time you want Zelda. I'll make sure nothing gets to you". Ben smiles and takes it as his chance to jump up quickly and take his boots off after entering the tent sitting down on one side of the blankets. Jeff smiles a bit then sits down next to him not closing the tents opening just yet.
"How about in 10 or so minutes we make some smores? I brought a whole backpack of shit for tonight Benny" Jeff says wrapping an arm around the elf. Ben leans into his touch in thought. After a moment he nods.
"Why not, I am kinda hungry."
Jeff chuckles, "good, I was hoping you'd be"
They cuddle for a bit before putting their shoes back on and heading back to the fire where Jeff gets out the smore supplies. Once everything is out Jeff helps poor Ben cook his. He sets him on his lap and holds his arm helping him put everything together.
"And there you go, that's how you make a smore" he says, smiling towards Ben who is still "confused" though flustered lightly.
"Er- Jeff, I think I'm still confused could you keep me here to help me?" He asks, a bit shyly. Jeff only smiles.
"Of course I can." He wraps one arm around the blondes waist while the other still helps Ben.

Later on in the night the two are in the tent, the campfire has died out and the only light source is the soft moonlight from above the trees. Other than that it's pure, inky blackness.  The two killers are found huddling under the blankets, with Jeff spooning Ben comfortably.
They were half asleep, sleep almost completely overtaking Jeff when he hears a loud snap. He jolts awake, Ben doing exactly the same.
He lifts his eye mask and waits for his eyes to adjust to the dim light of the moon. Ben grabs a hold of his arm and scoots close to him whispering lightly
"What was that...?"
Jeff shrugs lightly staying alert "could have been a deer, or another animal. It could have been anything so stay quiet for a bit" he finally whispers. Ben hides his face in Jeff's arm nodding, not really to worried but scared enough.
It seems like an eternity passes before Jeff and Ben hear the cracking of twigs. Jeff's body stiffens and he reaches into his hoodie pocket to pull out a switchblade he keeps just in case something like this would happen. Ben is openly worried, he doesn't want anything to happen. They wait and the form of a person appears in front of the closed tent entrance, it leans down and a knife is seen starting to slice open the tent. Jeff shoves Ben back down into the blanket, to make it seem like he was sleeping, he has his finger on the button of his blade ready to strike whoever is about to come into the tent. Jeff stays low, away from the hole in the tent watching a foot appear through it. He waits until the persons head is in the tent. He doesn't know them, it's a large man, roughly 6 foot with a stocky build. Jeff wasted no time in opening his blade and stabbing the man in the shoulder. The large man yelled and stumbled falling face first into the tent completely. Ben had been watching the entire time and decided it was his turn to attack he grabbed the mans fallen blade and helped Jeff by stabbing the man in the back of the neck. Blood had started to pool and squirt out of the wound. The man however was not dead, he was still alive, in fact Ben had missed the mans vital veins by a lot. And this, gave Jeffrey an idea.
"Come on let's take him to the cabin. We'll clean this up later."
Ben nods and unzips the tent stumbling out as Jeff grabs the bleeding, almost unconscious male carrying him out.
"We're gonna have a lot of fun with this one."

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