A not so boring wendsday

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AN- Sexual themes and I rushed this more a bit ;-;

Jeff doesn't wake until the next morning. He wakes to the smell of bacon and eggs being made by the small blonde elf. Ben strolls in with a cutsie little apron on possibly found in one of the cabinets.
"Oh you're awake!" He giggles setting down a plate of food he had also been carrying
"I have this for you Jeffy" he states plopping down on the bed next to him, making sure not to spill the plate of food.
Jeff smiles a bit, in pain from the wound he recieved the day before but hiding it. In his mind he thought Ben would find that attractive-.
"Oh- thank you benny~ I appreciate it." Jeff finally responds, giving the elf a smile. Ben glanced down to Jeff's bandaged leg.
"I need to change those bandages after you eat and stuff, okay?" He says after a moment. Jeff nods then starts to eat his breakfast.

Once he was finished and Ben had cleaned up they were seated in the bathroom. Ben had re-bandaged Jeff's leg.
"Alright we're done here, want to go into the living room to play some super smash?" Ben asks lightly, smiling towards Jeff.
"I'd love to zelda let's go" they get up and the elf helps Jeff make his way into the living room to sit on the couch.  Ben sets everything up and they play the switch for a few hours before Jeff sighs.
"Holy fuck I'm bored" he states, laying back dramatically onto Ben's lap looking up at him. The elf smirks down at him.
"I mean I can cure your boredom?" He says running a hand through the pale males hair. Jeff's face twists into a smirk
"Fuck yes" he sits up and faces towards the elf. Ben runs his hand down the males chest as Jeff pulls him in for a kiss. Jeff wraps his arms around the elf pulling him closer making sure to set him on his good leg. The two makeout for a few minutes before Jeff slides his hands down onto the blondes ass. Ben yelps a bit turning red before recovering and trying to keep up with Jeff by running his hands along the males shoulders and chest. Jeff groans a bit feeling the boxers he was wearing become tighter with each touch to his chest. Ben on the other hand was just getting started- he started to slide his hand down Jeff's chest to his torso, he slowly ran his hand over the males abs tracing them through the shirt he wore. Jeff tilted his head back a bit, giving Ben an open chance to attack his neck with kisses. It didn't take long for him to  find his sweet spot. His lips twitched into a smile before he roughly started kissing, biting, and sucking the spot earning satisfying husky grunts and groans from Jeff.
"You're so easy to dominate Jeffrey~" Ben states, grabbing Jeff lightly by the throat leaning in to whisper things. Jeff growls lowly before grabbing the small elf and switching places with him making sure not to hit his leg in the process. He puts his bad leg off the couch before starting to touch the elf in places.
"Let's take this to the room" he suggests after a bit. Ben nods totally overstimulated by the light touches Jeff gave him.
Once they made their way to the bedroom, they had some fun- wasting the day away and part of the night.

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