A good end to a friday night

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AN- tw for blood and gore in this chapter.

The killers and their newest victim arrive back the the cabin. Ben had applied a bandage to the man so he wouldn't bleed out and Jeff had opened the door to the cabins cellar, which was around side to the back of the building. Once they got down the stairs Jeff flicked a small light on, which showed the damp cellar, a small chair was in the center of the room, straps were connected to the chair, and crude medical tools were set up.
"Just like a dentist's office" Jeff chuckles out, throwing the man into the chair and strapping him in. Ben was watching curious to see what was about to happen.
"You can tell Jack has been here, with all these medical tools." Jeff says to Ben,  the elf chuckles a bit.
"So what're you gonna do to him?" He asks. Looking towards the raven haired male.
"Not much, I just want to hear him squeal" he giggles out throwing a look his way.
"Go get me a cup of water so I can wake this bastard up." Jeff pauses "hurry"
Ben rushes to go and grab a cup of water soon returning to see Jeff glancing at the mans face turning it.
"I almost could have mistaken this man for Tim if it weren't for the massive size of this guy." He comments, grabbing the water from Ben.
He splashes the water on the mans face, he sputters awake cringing at the pain in his neck and shoulder.

He takes one look at the two killers before thrashing, trying to escape not thinking of the immense amount of pain he was in. Jeff slaps him across the face.
"Stop thrashing around like that" he hisses out grabbing the mans face.
"Now, who the fuck are you? And why were you trying to get into our tent?" Jeff's piercing blue eyes glare daggers into the mans skin. The man, stays quiet and keeps his mouth shut, earning another slap, this time harder from Jeff. He flinches stuttering out
"John, and...I was just looking for supplies I have no where to go."
For a large man, he sure was timid, which amused Jeff in a sick, twisted way.
"John huh? Well John. You picked the wrong god damn time to come stealing from strangers didn't you? Now you're tied up to my chair about to get your guts slewn around my cellar." He cackles at the terrified expression on the mans face, he began thrashing again only to earn two, three more slaps from the raven haired killer.
"Ah ah ah, John my boy. You aren't getting away from me. For name sake, my name is Jeff. Jeff the fucking killer to you. And I'm going to make you go to sleep, for eternity" he says between giggles taking a scalpel from the table next to the chair. The man was shaking, terrified and afraid to move. Jeff motions for Ben to go into the cabin and the elf complies  teleporting away to do so.
"So John? What should I do to you first? Cut out an eye? Slice a finger off? Your pick since you're my guest" Jeff says tracing over John's hand with the medical tool. The large man cannot comprehend words so Jeff shrugs
"Suppose the cat has your tongue then, I'll go with an ear"
With that Jeff reaches up with his free hand and grips John's ear tightly, he decides to just rip the ear off instead of cutting it, the more messy the better is what the killers motto was. He sets the scalpel down and uses that hand to grip the mans hair. Once he has a good grip he begins to pull on his ear, yanking and pulling until he starts to hear the tearing of flesh away from bone. He grins in satisfaction watching the ear come off with ease ripping off strands of skin as blood starts to squirt and pool out of his ear hole onto the chair and finally the ground. The man screams in pain and Jeff relishes in joy.
"I think I'll make a necklace out of this one. Call it 'John's ear'" he laughs throwing it onto the ground. Next, Jeff grabs a dull knife from the table and starts to saw off John's left four fingers, it takes a minute but blood is soon covering the knife as he holds four blood soaked fingers in his hand.
"Open your mouth John~" Jeff teases forcing the mans mouth open, he shoves one, two, three, and finally all four fingers into his mouth.
"Eat them." He states, forcing John to bite down, tears are streaming down his face as blood comes out of his mouth. He gags but swallows crying out more, thrashing a bit.
After that, Jeff was getting bored, so after he thought for a moment he said.
"You know, you seem like you care about your mouth a lot. So let's mess around there!~" Jeff grabs plyers from the table as well and forces John's mouth open, he barely glanced at the chunks of meat still attached to his teeth before he got a hold of one of the mans front ones and rips it out, a scream of pain insued.
"Oops~ my hand slipped." Jeff giggles before ripping the entirety of his top teeth out.
"Those pearly whites would make fine earrings or any body jewelry really~" he commented looking down at the plate full of blood and teeth. John was looking down, blood was dripping down his mouth and he looked exhausted, which only made Jeff more ecstatic.
"Almost done here, all we need is that tongue of yours! Maybe then the cat wouldn't want it so bad" he says. He grabs his switchblade from when he pulled it out of John's shoulder. He opens his mouth again making sure to hit his sensitive ripped up top gums on the way to grab his tongue. Once he got it he pulled it out as far as it would go, and maybe even an extra inch or two.
"My friend Jack will love to have this, he loves collecting body parts." He makes eye contact with John before slicing through his tongue with the knife. Blood starts squirting everywhere and all over Jeff.
"I JUST WASHED THIS HOODIE" Jeff screeches towards John. He flinches and Jeff grabs his face dropping the tongue in the plate knife still in hand.
"Now. You have to pay with an eye." Jeff pulls his face close and takes the knife driving it through John's eye socket and ripping the eye out easily,  the man is in so much pain he's about ready to pass out, but Jeff wasn't done yet. As he dropped the eye into the plate he grabbed a surgical steroid syringe from the table as well and drove it into John. His eyes became wide and he started pumping adrenaline through his system.
Once Jeff knew he could continue he ripped open the front half of John's shirt.
"Ha you're a fucking ripped ass man and you couldn't beat me? Sick. Though not as sick as this." Jeff takes the scalpel with his right hand and the large mans head in his other to make him watch as Jeff cut open his stomach. John blanched as blood and organs flowed out of him at a speedy rate landing with a wet splat on the floor.
"Just like opening a box" Jeff giggles poking fun at the organs. He followed the intestines as they were still connected to a few things. He cut them out, watching more blood flow out of John's body all over the concrete floor. John, totally unable to do anything watched in horror as he was being torn apart, quite literally.
Jeff was almost done. He reached up through John's empty body and gripped his heart, squeezing it until it collapsed alongside his lungs. John had pain etched across his face as he tried to breath, loud gasping came from him as blood continued pouring from his wounds. He lasted for awhile and Jeff stood bloodied arms crossed watching as the life faded from John's eyes at thenoadt second Jeff smiled
"Have fun in hell, I'll see you there. Now go to sleep".
After John died it didn't take the killer long to clean everything up and put shit in the icebox down there. He knew Jack would like it. As he finished he walked up the steps dragging the corpse of John. He threw it out into the forest for now, animals would find it most likely. It's not like anyone came up here anyways. Once he got in he walked past the living room to see Ben asleep on the couch, he smiled lightly before going to get cleaned up. After ge got out of the shower he put on boxers and headed out into the living room again. He grabbed Ben, flicked the lights off and took him to bed, falling asleep next to him almost instantly after he searched for a new eye mask.

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