home bound

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Once it hit 5 in the morning Jeff's phone alarm blared loudly throughout the still dark room. He groans shaking Ben awake, who also groans.
"What is itttt?" He complains hugging the killers arm tiredly.
"We have to get up and clean." Jeff states getting up, while also pulling the small blonde up as well. He walks into the next room and flicks the light on.
"Damn its messy in here. Come on" Jeff gets supplies from the cabinets and starts to clean while Ben starts packing clothes and other things.

Once they're finished it's around 7. Birds are chirping outside of the window and the sun is starting to shine through.
"I'll go get that guys body and dump it in that cave we found" Jeff says, Ben nods
"I'll come with you."
The two walk out and Jeff grabs the mans empty corpse that was starting to decompose, maggots fell out of the body in small groups.
"Yuck" Ben says with a grin when a pile of the maggots hit the ground with a splat. Jeff chuckles and they reach the cave.
"I don't feel like walking all the way through the cave. So let's take a shortcut." Jeff says pointing to a shortcut they can take to the top of the cave.
Once they make it up there Jeff casually dumps the body off in the cave. He smiles he can still see the spot where he and Ben had their first "date". He was so grateful that Slender sent them both here. Once they start their way back Jeff makes sure they're not leaving anything behind that Slender would yell at them for.
"Okay I think everything is cleaned up. Did you make sure to get your switch?" Jeff asks looking to the elf.
"Yeah yeah I got it, don't worry." He responds. They grab the bags of supplies and clothes to bring outside. By the time 1 comes around they had everything double checked.
Jeff's phone started ringing and he grabbed it answering it once he saw it was Tim.
"Hey Tim" he greets
"Hey, so I'll be there in a second walk to the meeting point and I'll pick you up in the truck." He replies
"Will do."
Jeff hangs up then stands grabbing his bags.
"Okay let's go to the meeting point that we went to the last time Tim dropped us off."  Jeff says pulling ben up.
"Okay, yeah I'll just teleport there this time and I won't make you carry my things"  ben giggles kissing Jeff lightly with a smile.

The two have their things together Ben teleports to the spot. Tim's truck is sitting there. The two boys throw their bags in the back bed of the truck before getting in, both sitting in the air conditioned  back seats.
"Hey Tim." They say getting comfy, Tim nods his reply before putting the truck in drive and starting down the dirt road out to the main highway.
Once they get on the highway they relax watching the scenery of trees and road.  It takes about an hour to get to the mansion and by then the three killers had talked a bit, shared experiences and stories.
They walk in with their bags, everything is quiet so Ben decides to throw his shit in his own room then hang around in Jeff's.
Once they get there Jeff locks his door and flops down. 
"So what're we gonna do about them?" Jeff asks
"I don't know, we'll figure it out though" ben replies hugging the killer. They settle down together and fall asleep a bit later Not caring about anything really besides being in each others arms. Before they sleep Jeff mutters
"I love you, Ben"
"I love you too, Jeff"

AN- so this is the end <3 but like I said I'm gonna be working on a sequel to this one thanks for reading lovelies

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