The idea

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After awhile it got dark outside and Jeff's plan was about to spring into action.
"Hey Ben?" He calls out looking over his shoulder to glance at the short elf.
"Yeah? What do you need?" He responds typing something on his phone.
"I'm going to go out for a bit, to see if I can find any campers or somethin' " he says  with a light chuckle in his voice. The elf only nods in response not giving Jeff any other acknowledgement. It takes about five minutes for the raven haired male to pack a small bag of blankets, some food, and candles for the cave. As he walks out the elf is still playing on his phone.
When he walks into the cave, the cold musty air hits him like a brick, he shivers lightly.
He walked for awhile until he got there, it was dark, the only light was from his phone flashlight but he needed to save battery so he ended up turning it off, the light from the moon shining overhead was enough.
It took about an hour to set everything up, but once it was finished, it looked absolutely wonderful. There was a blue blanket set down with a small basket in the middle filled with fruits, soda, alcohol, anything you could imagine, and to top it all off, there were candles set around the blanket.
"I think I did a good job" he mumbles quietly as he decided to call Ben. He dials his number, shifting around a couple matches in his hoodie pocket.
"Hello? Jeff?" Ben answers
"Yeah hey come to the cave, you remember where it was right?" He replies.
"Uh yeah? I'll be there in a second, you know what actually I'll just teleport there see you in a second" the elf hangs up and Jeff hurries to light the candles.
He heard a light buzz and there Ben was standing in the cave with him. He didn't notice the candles and blanket yet so Jeff stepped out of the way and asked;
"So, what do you think?"

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