Cave Trip

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When Jeff woke the next morning he was more warm than usual, when he took the eye mask off he almost fainted, which was odd because Jeff never fainted. But the reason was, was because Ben, THE Ben he’s known for three to four years, was cuddling him, his left hand was placed on his toned torso, gripping him slightly, while his head was basically on his chest. The elf was sleeping pretty peacefully though...Jeff blushed lightly, he was cute when he slept...the joy was short-lived though because the elf awoke with a start.
“Oh shit,” he said his face going red, he moved away his face getting kind of panicked. “Sorry” he murmured.
“It’s okay..” Jeff replied sitting up. “Well...I guess we should get up and around you know what they say-”
“The early bird gets the worm, yeah I know Jeff” Ben chuckled out, standing up and grabbing his hat that fell off in the night.
        After they both get ready, they make their way outside and stand around.
“So what’re we supposed to be doing?” Ben asked. Jeff smirks,
“A little cave adventure, I saw one on the way here come on” Jeff pulls Ben through the woods into a little clearing. They walked for a couple of minutes until the cave was in sight.
“Here it is” Jeff stated, proud he remembered where it was, “you ready?” The elf nodded and they walked in. Jeff pulls out his phone and turns on the flashlight, the light illuminating the dark cavern.
        About an hour into walking through the cave, Jeff saw two passageways
“Which way you want to go?” he asks looking at Ben. The elf took two quick glances and pointed to the right passage.
“Alright cool...are you scared?” Jeff looked at ben again, he was walking more or less pretty shakily.
“N-no” Ben replied, shivering slightly.
“Oh, you’re cold aren’t you?” The raven-haired male said, “Here hold this” he gave Ben the phone and took off his hoodie.
“What no you don’t have to-”
“just take it,” Jeff said, they exchanged items and Jeff watched as the shorter male put on the hoodie. It was baggy on him, but it was cute.
They went down the right Passageway, it got a bit more cramped, basically to where it brushed against Jeff’s shoulders if he shifted the right way. After another good while, they got to a large open cavern that was open to the sky with small plants and some moss hanging down into the hole that created the clearing.
“Holy hell this is cool” Jeff stated turning his phone’s flashlight off to save battery.
“Yeah, this would be a beautiful spot to have a picnic in..especially with candles and shit at night..” Ben mumbled quietly, but Jeff heard..maybe one day he could do something like that with him...Nah he wouldn’t want him to be the one to have a picnic with him.
But maybe...maybe he'd do it tonight! He smirked internally.
"This would be a cool hangout spot" Jeff commented looking over to Ben.
"Agreed! Should this be our spot now?" The elf asks tilting his head to look at the paler male.
"Hell yeah it should" he nodded then continues "We should head back, maybe later we can come back and fix it up a bit."
Ben nodded and they headed back to the Cabin for a full day of doing nothing but playing on the switch. 

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