A wasted Thursday afternoon

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After they woke up the next afternoon, Ben was found looking at his phone nervously. Jeff looks over from sleeping  to see that sight.
"What's wrong?" He asks quietly sitting up, hoping that he wasn't feeling guilty about what they had done.
Ben jumps lightly then sighs.
"When we get back to the mansion...what will the others think?" He asks, bloody tears welling up and threatening to fall out of his eye sockets.  Jeff frowns, he hadn't wondered about that. Nor had he thought Ben would be this worried.
"I don't think they'll care Ben. And if they do I'll beat the fuck out of them."  He says, certain that he would do that. Ben lightly smiles before hugging his arm and wiping the bloody tears away.
"I love you Jeff. I'm glad I have you.." he says.  Jeff lays back down pulling Ben to his chest, hugging him.
"I love you too Ben, and I'm just as glad to have you." He goes quiet before saying

"So we go back on sunday, what do you want to do in the meantime?" Jeff asks, looking to the small form of Ben.
"I'm not sure" he replies, smooshing his face into Jeff's shoulder. 
"How about a movie?" Jeff suggests.
"That's actually a good idea, what movie though?"
"The ring?"
"Hell yeah!"
"Okay you can pull it up on your phone right?"
"Yeah let me get that"
Ben runs to get his phone from the counter. When he comes back he already has it pulled up and ready to play.
Jeff clasps his hands together and sits up getting the pillows propped up and the blanket fixed. Ben sits down and presses play as soon as he's comfortable. They cuddle together and watch the movie, giving each other pecks on check once in awhile.

After the movie is over Ben clings to Jeff, not out of fear but because he's. asleep in the males lap, he had fallen asleep halfway into the movie. Jeff had finished it before smiling when he found Ben asleep.
"Damn you sleep a lot" he murmers lightly playing with his hair as he watches him peacefully sleep.
An hour or two passes by before Jeff starts to get tired, Ben was still fast asleep in his lap so Jeff decided to sleep in the position he was sitting in. Before he fell asleep though he decided to make a plan, just in case the assholes in the mansion wanted to do them dirty.
He swore to himself he would put Ben first, and protect him if the others made fun of him. He didn't care about himself all he wanted was Ben to be happy.  With those thoughts in his mind he kept his hand tangled in the elfs hair, dozing off soon after.

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