rainy morning cuddles

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AN- just some fluff after that gorey ass chapter 😌

Saturday morning Ben wakes up pretty early, last night was such a mess and he felt bad for Jeff, that stupid guy had to mess it all up for them. So he planned to just stay in bed with him today, cuddling and sleeping.  He shifts in the bed snuggling closer to Jeff's chest with a content sigh and Ends up closing his eyes And dozing off.
Once Jeff wakes up he smiles, remembering last night. He decides to go and pick up the tent and supplies from the night before, since it was stupid to leave it all outside. He throws on a pair of grey sweatpants, a plain black shirt and his converse before heading outside. It was cloudy out and smelled like rain. Flys buzzed by his head as he traveled farther into the woods. Once he reached the camp he looked around, it was a wreck, that dumbass John had went through their bag apparently, and all of the useless shit was threw all around. Jeff sighs and just decides to get the good shit like the tent and the bag.
It takes about 15 minutes to clean everything up and once he does he starts to feel a little drizzle starting to come down through the treetops.
"Shit, it better not rain" he mumbles to himself before starting the walk back to the cabin.  Ben on the other hand was still asleep, dreaming of videogames and such.
Once Jeff is near the cabin the rain gets worse, in fact it starts to pour down, pounding onto the ground and onto Jeff harshly. He curses and runs the rest of the way throwing it all down near the porch. Running into the door he stands there, soaking wet and pissy. He groans throwing his shoes off.
"God fucking damnit."
He pulls off the now wet shirt and pants throwing them into the dirty pile of clothes they were gathering. After jeff gets all of that shit put up he walks into the bedroom in his boxers, that surprisingly didnt get wet. He sits on the couch and waits for Ben to wake up. Which isn't too long later. Ben comes out of the room and plops down next to the killer.
After they talk a bit Jeff realizes it's still raining.
"Man I got caught out in the rain today and that shit was cold." He states, nuzzling his head into the elfs hair.
"I can tell" he replies shivering.
"I guess now we can't do anything today though, outside wise." Jeff sighs out, running his fingers through the blondes soft hair.
"True, but I was hoping we could just stay in and relax Today because we're going to have to get everything packed back up tomorrow." Ben says holding Jeff's free hand.
"Yeah yeah, that would work with me" he replies continuing a second after,

The two travel to the bedroom and lay down, Jeff pulls Ben into his chest and smiles lightly.
"This is nice"
"True" Ben replies nuzzling his chest.
They lay there for the rest of the day, just doing whatever because nothing important Had to be done. And two they just wanted to spend as much time as they could together before going back to the mansion. They didn't know how the others would react to their relationship...

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