misty mornings

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Author note- sorry for the slow updates :0  this story should be back on track now!

Birds chirp quietly as the morning light shines in through the window. Ben wakes up curled up in Jeff's arms. He gasps lightly, remembering the night before, then smiles and wiggles his way out of the raven haired males arms gently. He pulled on his discarded clothes from last night and Strolls into the kitchen.
"I should probably cook breakfast" he mutters under his breath, turning the stove on and grabbing some ingredients.

After about an hour Jeff wakes up with a small groan, smelling bacon he sniffs the air again.
"Mm, smells good" he mumbles sitting up and throwing the blanket off. He realizes his manhood is still out from the night before and blushes a bit at the heated memory. He mutters to himself a bit throwing on a pair of boxers. He walks out barefoot into the kitchen where he finds his elf, humming lightly,  grabbing a tray.
"Goodmorning Ben" Jeff's husky voice calls out. Ben jumps a bit the tray almost falling out of his hands
"Jeffrey! You were supposed to still be in bed" he pouts, "it was gonna be breakfast in bed"
Jeff only smiles and takes the tray from him, their hands brushing together in a lovey way.
"Well, it can be 'standing in the middle of the kitchen' breakfast" Jeff decides, giving Ben a small peck on the lips.  The elf giggles grabbing his plate from the counter. They walk over to the couch and take a seat beginning to eat the food that Ben made.

"Damn Ben, you can cook some bomb ass bacon" Jeff compliments after they were both finished, Ben only blushes in response and tucks a loose piece of bleached blonde hair behind his ear.
"You really think so?" He giggles out, 'just like a school girl' Jeff thinks grinning.
"Yeah of course" Jeff responds setting the plates aside to pull Ben onto his lap lovingly.  The blonde boy giggles again, cuddling Jeff with a large blush still present on his face.
"Yes Jeff?"
"I love you so fucking much" Jeff says making the elf look at him.
"Really?" Ben asks, and jeff nods
"Well I love you just as much, joker" Ben continues.
Jeff smiles and pulls Ben in for a kiss, their lips connect and Jeff's stomach is doing flips and turns all over again, he was going to love getting used to this.
The two had a mini makeout session, spending a good 20 minutes doing nothing but complimenting, kissing, and caressing each other lovingly. 

When the time came for them to get up and about they dreaded it.
"But whyyyy??" Ben asks, his voice pouty.
"Because I have to go get some things for us if we really want to stay out here" Jeff replies standing up, he continues "It won't take long, I'll be back before you know it"
The elf nods and watched as Jeff stood up, got ready and left the cabin so he could go out to hunt for some fresh meat so they wouldn't run out anytime soon.

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