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AN- Hey have an update
Tw It gets a little bloody

Jeff walks through the woods, birds chirping as he slings a bow across his shoulder, he continues until he reaches a small hill with bushes and a clearing to suit.
"Perfect" he mumbles quietly as he sets his stuff down to get ready for hunting, he wasn't that far from the cabin so he thought, 'it shouldn't take too long if I do catch something' He waited for a little over 20 minutes before he saw a deer stumble into the clearing in front of him. He smirks and gets his bow ready to shoot, the deer however had other plans; it snapped its head in the direction Jeff was hiding and sprinted off, he slightly cursed before jumping up and chasing after it, he wasn't in the mood to wait for another one. He chased it for a good five minutes before he saw it, or so the corpse of it, lying lopsided on the ground blood pooling around it with a large bear standing over it.
"Oh shit" he mumbled before backing up, but to his luck; the bear had seen him, it growls hungrily- Foam dripping from its maws as it stalks towards the killer. Jeff swallows harshly, he had never been against a bear. Or at least one of this size.
He decides running was the best option, forgetting most of his "survival techniques" he sprints as fast as his legs would take him towards the cabin where Ben was. The males eyesight was blurred as he ran between the trees, all at once he stepped down full weight onto an old bear trap. It groans in protest before snapping shut, right around Jeff's ankle.
A shrill, pain filled scream is heard coming from the pale males mouth as tears start to slide down his cheeks. Blood was squirting out of the exposed puncture wounds in Jeff's ankle. He was sure his tendons were torn and maybe even his ankle was broken. He laid there for a few seconds tears of pain falling like a waterfall down his face whilst he is too frozen in shock to move. His body was starting to go numb from the adrenaline from the bear he thought he got away from and the blood loss wasn't helping either. Jeff finally mustered up enough strength to shakily grab his emergency phone he always carried when he went out. He dials Ben's number and he answers
"Hello? Jeff? You're using that emergency phone, what's wrong?" His soft voice calls out from the speaker. Jeff groans in response not being able to formulate a sentence.
"I'm going over there, I'll be right there Jeff" Ben replies nervously.
Jeff let's out a shaky breath and relaxes his head back trying to ignore the throbbing pain in his ankle. Not a moment later rustling is heard from the bushes and Jeff's head shoots up expecting Ben. But it wasn't nor was it any person.  The bear from earlier stood alert glaring dangerously at Jeff's exposed ankle. The male slowly lays his head back down, fearing what could come next.
The bear itself glides over to Jeff and starts sniffing the wound, curious as it seemed the black haired males heart was pounding against his chest as the entirety of the situation began to grip at his mind. 'Ben please help' Jeff thinks as the bear paws at his leg growling lightly. It licks his wound before sniffing it a few more times.
Before the bear can take a chunk out of Jeff's leg Ben shows up in all of his glory, a raging ball of fiery green flings itself through the air before finding itself on top of the bear his version of the "loz master sword" held in his right hand whilst his left hand was gripping the bears ear tightly. The bear rises up in protest before blood starts to squirt out of its nose and mouth. Ben's bloody sword tip sticking out of the bears chest. It falls to the ground with a heavy thump after a second. The elf pulls the sword out of the bear and sheaths it running over to Jeff.
"Jeff! Are you okay? Are you dead?"
"I'll take that as a no, let me get this beartrap off you" Ben says gripping the beartrap. He pulls it of of the wound Jeff sustained and blood started to squirt out once again. He winces before grabbing Jeff and teleporting to the cabin
"I'll clean you up" he says lightly kissing Jeff's nose with a smile. He sets Jeff down in the bathroom 'thank god I can float I would never be able to lift him without that ability' ben thinks to himself as he sets Jeff's hurt leg in the tub. He starts by removing his shoes and socks, then after removes part of the pant leg.
"I have to stop the bleeding then I'll continue" he states, after the few steps he pulls away and the wound looks better, crooked stitches line Jeff's ankle.
"You're going to have a badass scar there though" Ben points out, Jeff smiles tiredly pulling Ben in for a kiss.
"You're right. Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to take a nap I'm exhausted."

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