your touch

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An- this is smut so if you don't like it then you should probably not read it

They get back in the cabin and most of the lights are off saved for a couple of lamps in the living room. Jeff looked to Ben, nervously wringing his hands together.
"So, Ben. I have a question" He finally says, sitting down on the couch next to him.
"Yeah what is it?" the elf responds looking at him with half-lidded eyes.
"I remembered something you said and I just wanted to know if it was true or not" he paused, "You said you loved that true?"
Ben's eyes widened and his face flushed "I uh- Uhm, I don't- Yes?"
Jeff grinned, he hadn't been this happy in a long long time, especially since he had started liking Ben.
"Well I love you too, Zelda.." he says, blushing. They both smile and Jeff grabs Ben's face pulling him in for a rough, passionate kiss. The elf is somewhat shocked at the sudden interaction they both had, though he starts kissing back a couple of seconds later.
Jeff smirks and pulls the elf onto his lap, his legs on either side of him, he continues kissing the blonde male, his hands rubbing Ben's sides with growing excitement, Ben lets out a few breathy sounds which make the butterflies in Jeff's stomach become even worse. The elf shifts, feeling Jeff's growing excitement through his tight jeans, though the same could be said about Ben. Jeff began kissing Ben's neck, nipping, licking, and sucking to find his sweet spot, and when he found it, Ben gripped Jeff's shirt tightly, letting a few moans loose.
"You like that Benny~," The paler male asks huskily leaning in to say it in his ear, Ben nods shifting again.
"Looks like someone is getting restless" Jeff continues his sweet talk towards the ever flustered Ben. Jeff does himself a favor and throws off his own shirt before turning the slightly younger male around so his back was facing him. Shifting, He started to slowly rock the elf back and forth earning satisfying moans from him.
"Mm, I like when you moan for me Benny~ do it again," he says in between heavier breathes. Ben moaned more, listening to the older male. Jeff wrapped his arm around Ben's waist and started massaging the elves' hardened member. They did this for a good five minutes before Jeff got up with Ben, flipping him back around so he could hold him.
"We're going into the room" he muttered walking in and throwing the elf down on the bed.
"ah-Jeff..what're you going to do with me?" Ben asks quietly, wanting to grab the male by the arm.
"Oh, A lot of things zelda~ a lot of things" He chuckles out huskily flipping the blonde onto his stomach. "Have you done anything like this before?"
Ben shakes his head, craning his neck to look at him. Jeff only smirks,
"Alright, then I'll be gentle with you Benny"
The elf breaks out into a blush once again hiding his face to conceal his face. Jeff smirks more and slips both his pants and ben's pants off leaving jeff only in his boxers and ben, only in his boxers and tunic. Jeff pulls off Ben's tunic and the elf blushes a bit. His slightly athletic body made Jeff lick his chapped lips with anticipation.
"Damn lawman, you're hot" Jeff remarks
"A-ah, thanks uhm jeff.." Ben replies nervously, shivering at the cold cabin air.
Jeff smirks again and runs his hands over the elves' legs, earning another shiver from him. Ben gets comfortable when all of a sudden Jeff finally musters up enough courage to finally continue with what he was about to do. As he slides his boxers down and off he hears Ben's breath hitch slightly at the sight, from craning his neck.
"Ah, so, you ready Ben?" Jeff asks, smirking at the shy nod. "Then take your boxers off elf" he states.
Ben complied and when they were off he blushed since he was laying on his stomach. Jeff positioned Ben, taking hold of the elf's waist and pulling his hips up.
"If it hurts, you tell me and I'll be more careful" Jeff mutters to Ben who only hides his face in the bedsheets and nods. Jeff takes a breath and slowly inserts himself into the elf, Ben gasped a bit gripping the bedsheets tightly, shaking lightly. After a few seconds, Jeff starts going faster, the bed shaking with every new thrust. Both males start moaning pleasurably, getting close to their peak after a minute or two
Ben turns his head breathing heavily,
"F-fuck Jeff I'm getting close!" he moans out, bloody tears falling down his face, Jeff only nods in response; the knot in his stomach releasing soon after.
Both males fall next to each other, breathing heavy and sweating madly. Jeff looked over to Ben swiping the sweat-drenched hair out of his eyes.
"Ben..I love you" he mutters, still looking at the elf.
"I love you too.." Ben replies tiredly, yawning afterwards.
The two embrace each other and soon fall asleep, happy that they finally have one another.

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