Chapter 3 - Phoenix

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(Disclaimer - there are characters in this chapter that do not belong to me but I wanted to include them because I liked that this could be apart of a tragic backstory. Anyways the new characters are from Red Dead Redemption 2 because I really liked the story and game. If you don't know what the game is and you have a PS4 or XBox I highly recommend this game. Strong language.)

As you tried to get some sleep that night after the night at Asgard but there was one recurring dream you kept having. It was way back in the day, 1901 to be exact. You were riding through the Grizzlies, a very wild and untamed mountain range. As you did though you looked up to the sky and seen smoke.

You being a very curious person decided to check it out and you saw the weirdest thing you had ever seen, and that was saying a lot since you had seen a lot of crazy stuff in your time.

(Here's some visual representation of what the place looked like)

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(Here's some visual representation of what the place looked like)

It looked like a witch had been there. There was all kinds of plants bundled up and animal parts laying around, even a human skeleton with shackles on them. There was also a very defining feature of the place, the giant cauldron that sat at the back of the hut. It was very weird and the place smelled horrible.  It also felt as if something or someone was watching you but you just brushed it off as you being in a weird place.

You decided to just write about it in your journal and carry on with your day. You walked back to your horse and got back on the trail.

A ways down the road though, a few key details about that hut sent a chill down your spine. It was almost so bad that you felt as if you would throw up.

The cauldron was just starting to boil when you got there.

It felt like someone was watching me.

Human skeleton with shackles.

You quickly woke up, sitting up right and rubbing your eyes. You then opened them and looked around. You were back on Asgard in the dome. You stood up slowly as you looked around just as you did when you first seen it. Then your eyes landed on a familiar face. Heimdall.

"Well hello again." You said with a smile.

"You were having a bad dream, I though I could help you with them." He said walking over to you.

"Well it was more of a memory than a bad dream." You explained before rubbing your eyes again. You blinked for less than a second later and then you opened your eyes again and it was a completely different setting.

There was Big Valley (another place in red dead), it was beautiful. It was a big meadow with purple flowers everywhere, deer, antelope, elk, and horses grazed on the green grass, a stream ran through the valley and in the background where the tall mountains that you once loved to explore.

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