Chapter 14 - Phoenix

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Disclaimer - harsh language, and violence.

As the jet landed you could feel the cool air swirl around you like a cold blanket. You shivered a little bit but let your powers heat up your whole body to fight against the cold.

There was an uneasy feeling already brewing in the air. It was quiet, to quiet. There was almost no sound at all other than the trees rustling in the wind. There was at least a foot or two of snow on the ground from a early morning snow.

Everyone else made a quick dash to grab a coat before running out to see where you were. You were already up the trail looking for signs of life. Making sure there were really no people there. You checked the snow for tracks, and stopped as soon as you found some.

It was a single trail, and it led straight towards the base. It was built into the side of the mountain, like the one Bucky was contained at. Everyone else caught up and came to see what you were looking at.

Once you all got an idea of what you all were doing you and Bucky started to head towards the front entrance while Clint and Natasha went around and seen if there was another way in.

You both walked up to the heavy doors and when you got there you held your hand up to the frozen doors to melt the metal but stopped. The ice around the doors was cracked and broke off. Someone was definitely inside, but likely only one.

You held up your hand again as it started to glow red. After a few seconds of melting there was finally a big enough gap for you both to go through. As soon as you entered the building you heard struggling and yelling.

You ran through the room and when you turned the corner of the lab you seen Natasha and Clint putting handcuffs on a doctor or whatever he was.

"You are all doomed, there is an army on its way right now, and there will be nothing left of you after they are done." The doctor spat in a heavy accent before laughing like a psycho. You quickly drew your pistol and pointed it towards his head.

"How many?" You asked him in a angered tone. He only laughed at your question.

"All that is left of Hydra, hundreds." He said before you smacked him across the head making him fall to the ground.

"Y/n, stop!" Clint said right as you remembered you had to bring in all pieces of evidence. You looked down at the man before grabbing him by his hair and pulling his head back.

"When?" You asked him in a low and harsh tone. She simply smiled and bloody smile before you let go of his hair and let him drop.

"Right now." He said before a explosion rang out through the base. They were blowing it up and burying us inside.

"Come on, we have to get out of here!" Natasha yelled as her and Clint ran in the direction they came. Bucky followed after them, leaving the doctor. You couldn't risk him staying alive so you shot him before he could get up again.

After you shot him you bolted in the direction that they went only to find it blocked off with debris. You quickly back tracked to the way you and Bucky came and found the door this there but the roof was caving in fast. You sprinted towards it and before the roof could cave in you jumped head first through the gap and landed in the fresh snow. You seen helicopters flying around everywhere with Jeeps and people on ATVs driving around. They were heavily armed and immediately after seeing you, they opened fire. You put up a wall of fire to protect you and melt the bullets as you fired back.

The helicopters used automatic guns to rapid fire your way, you ducked behind some boulders before shooting the guy that was firing at you. You then used your fire you travel through the trees and jump onto anybody that was near them.

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